When it comes to the smile in Ning Mengyao's eyes, Qiao Tianchang is not only talking about this, but also talking about some things there, and bringing them back to their mother and son when he comes back.

"Tut Tut, I can tell from your expression that it's not just that." Muchen looked at ningmengyao's smile and couldn't help laughing.

Ningmengyao picked up her eyebrows and looked at Muchen: "do you envy?"

"Why? By the way, what can Yao'er do if Tianchang can't remember all the time? " Although Qiao Tianchang has thought of many things during this period, they all know that Ning Mengyao actually cares about Qiao Tianchang's forgetting everything between them.

Ningmengyao was stunned and turned to look outside. A light smile suddenly appeared on her face: "in the morning, I was very concerned that he didn't have the memory between us, because it was a common experience between us. Now that he has forgotten all of it, I feel a bit lost. But after he left, I found that these are not problems, as long as he is still him , or take care of our mother and son as before. It's good for our mother and son. You're enough. Those memories are really not as important as his health. "

Muchen is slightly stunned for a while. How could she have said such words? But it's OK. At least it shows that she is really thinking.

"If you can be the same, I'll be at ease. Since then, I'll be busy. As for Tianchang, you can be at ease. In fact, fengxiao is going with you this time." Muchen suddenly thought of this, and told Ning Mengyao.

Ningmengyao's eyes were obviously surprised: "fengxiao? How could he go with him? "

"Maybe I don't trust feng'er, but he didn't tell Tianchang that they followed secretly, but I think he will probably be found by Tianchang." After all, Qiao Tianchang's martial arts are the most powerful among them, that is, Ning Mengyao is inferior to him.

"It must have been found that when Tianchang is outside, his vigilance is more than twice that at home." Qiao Tianchang's spirit is always tense outside. Only when he comes home can he have a rest, or when she is with her child and Qiao Tianchang, can he get a break.

Muchen looks at Ning Mengyao and suddenly smiles. Yes, Qiao Tianchang is actually a man with a strong sense of vigilance. Even if they are good friends, they will be alerted by him.

Perhaps only Ning Mengyao and a few children are completely defenseless.

"Well, I know you know him. I'm busy first. You have a good rest. If you don't do a good job, you'll feel insecure." If Zhang Dalong is really the same as Ning Mengyao, they should be on guard.

The dog that can bite doesn't bark, and Zhang Dalong is obviously such a person.

Ningmengyao watched Muchen leave and knocked on the table with one hand. Everyone was so busy. Should she find something to do.

When Qingshuang came in, he saw ningmengyao's thoughtful face. He just wanted to calculate people.

"Madam, your most important task now is to take good care of your body, and then take care of your internal injury. If anything happens to you, do you want to take care of your body?" Qingshuang looks at ningmengyao coolly. His eyes are chilly, and his thoughts are all poured out.

Ningmengyao sighed heavily and said helplessly: "Qingshuang, I just want to find something to do, or I will grow mushrooms."

Qingshuang looks at ningmengyao with a smile on her face: "it doesn't matter. Mushrooms grow out and you can cook soup."

Ningmengyao stares at Qingshuang, opens her mouth and stares at her. Is this really what Qingshuang said?

"Qingshuang, you have gone bad."

"Is Madame still looking for something to do?" Qingshuang said that she didn't mind at all. When she saw her wife's lovely expression just now, she suddenly became complete.

She had never seen her wife so lovely.

Ningmengyao lies on the table, with an irresistible look, making Qingshuang laugh: "madam, if you want to do things recklessly, then quickly take care of yourself."