Ningmengyao looks at Qingshuang with peach blossom eyes open, but he doesn't speak. Ningmengyao looks at Qingshuang with such eyes. Qingshuang says that he can't stand it.

"Madame, don't look at me like this. I'm not a general. I won't compromise with you." Qingshuang turned her head hard and said in a trembling voice.

Ningmengyao's eyes flashed a trace of success, she knew it would be like this.

"Is it? In that case, what are you going to do? "

"Nothing, ma'am. This is your medicine." Qingshuang quickly put the medicine bowl in his hand on the table, and then turned away from seeing ningmengyao.

When Ning Mengyao saw that she didn't even look at herself, she immediately became depressed and drank the medicine that was extremely difficult to drink into her stomach, which made her look at Qingshuang.

"Well, I'm not kidding you. I really want to order you to do Qingshuang." Ning Mengyao said, frowning.

"Madame," you said

"Wu Xuan's head was hung for several days, and finally he was thrown into the wild. He was also a person around Wu Ziyun, anyway. How could he not react at all?" Ning Mengyao said thoughtfully.

Qingshuang frowned: "Madam means to worry that Wu Ziyun will appear in the general's place?"

Ning Mengyao nodded: "yes, if Wu Ziyun was at the border, he would be angry to see Wu Xuan treated like that, but he didn't. There are two possibilities. One is that he wasn't at this place at all. The other is that he was at the place we found."

"But will he be in the desert, Madame?" Qingshuang asked.

Ning Mengyao shook his head: "no, our people said that he has been away from the desert for some time, and that Wu Ziyun in the desert is fake."

This time, Qingshuang was even more confused: "he should know that the general and his wife are totally disgusted with him and even intend to break up. He did this Isn't it self imposed? "

If Ning Mengyao thinks about Qingshuang, he is right. If it is true, Wu Ziyun's arrival can only be his own death, but he still came. What does this mean.

Does he think that Rosa will be able to control Tianchang successfully, or does he have other weights?

"Madame?" Looking at my wife, I lost my mind again. Qingshuang said that she was very depressed. It lifted people's appetite and didn't say. Could it not be so pit?

Ningmengyao responds and turns to look at Qingshuang, with doubts in her eyes: "what's the matter?"

"I want to ask madam what's wrong with you? What are you thinking? "

"No, Qingshuang, please do something with me." Ning Mengyao suddenly thought of something, and then brought Qingshuang to her face, and whispered in her ear.


"Do it quickly. I'll tell Tianchang about it." If it's what she thinks, it's a big problem.

Qingshuang nodded, turned around and walked out, with a dignified expression on her face.

No matter what Qingshuang thought, Ning Mengyao got up and went to his desk to write a very short letter to Qiao Tianchang, then let Xiaohei send it to Qiao Tianchang.

Five days later, Qiao Tianchang received a letter from Ning Mengyao. When he opened the letter with a smile on his face, the more he looked at it, the more gloomy and dignified it was.

Nan Yu went to Qiao Tianchang's side and looked at him: "what happened to the eldest brother?"

"Nothing, Nanyu. I have something for you to do."

Nan Yu listened to Qiao Tianchang's orders, but he left on horseback.

Qiao Tianchang looks down at the letter in his hand. His face is heavy. I hope it's not Yao Yao's analysis. If so, it's really going to use the hidden power of tongbaozhai. I hope it's not as bad as they think.

At the same time that Qiao Tianchang was worried, Ning Mengyao was also cleaning up all the clues of this matter.

When Ning Mengyao's mind was lost, Muchen brought her good news.

That's where Zhang Dalong really has problems. Some time ago, he said he was ill and didn't do anything. The fact is that he left secretly. As for where he went, further investigation is needed.

"Is there anything wrong with Zhang Dalong in the morning? Like corruption? " Instead of waiting for the chance slowly, it's better to cut the mess directly and quickly. This way is what she likes.