Zhang Dalong's pupils narrowed and his eyes twinkled slightly: "I don't understand what madam is talking about."

"Zhang Dalong, I don't have time to fight with you. Are you good enough to pretend? Let the day smooth all did not discover you are such a person, I really admire. " Ning Mengyao looks at Zhang Dalong with sarcasm on her face. Her eyes are full of ridicule.

Zhang's body gradually became cold: "what does madam want to say?"

"What do you want to say? Zhang Dalong, what's the deal between you and Jane's family? They give you money. What do you do for them? " Ningmengyao also did not beat around the Bush and said directly.

Zhang Da Long's face changed, then turned and said coldly, "I don't understand what madam means."

Ning Mengyao put down her pen and looked at Zhang Dalong in front of her. Her mouth was slightly hooked: "don't you understand? Zhang Dalong is a smart man. Don't do such stupid things. "


"Since I can invite you here, it shows that I have enough evidence to destroy your nine tribes. What do you say?" Ning Mengyao looked at Zhang Dalong's mocking face and said.

Looking at Ning Mengyao's appearance, Zhang Dalong's heart was firm and flustered, even if he wanted to calm down.

"What? Don't you plan to say it even when you see your nine tribes destroyed? " Ning Mengyao looks at Zhang Dalong, who is still holding on though he is a little flustered.

"They are innocent." Zhang Dalong was silent for a long time.

Ning Mengyao couldn't help laughing: "innocent? Zhang Dalong, you told me they were innocent? In that case, come and have a look at these things. " Ning Mengyao threw the paper in her hand at Zhang Dalong's feet and said with cold eyes.

Intuition tells Zhang Dalong that these things can't be seen, but he can't help but take them. But when he sees all above, the whole person becomes very excited: "it's impossible."

"I don't have the habit of blaming people. It's easy for me to get these things. Zhang Dalong, do you still think they are innocent?" Ning Mengyao looks at Zhang Dalong satirically and asks.


"If they are all innocent, aren't those green and white girls killed by your wife and children innocent?" Ning Mengyao looks at Zhang Dalong's voice suddenly becomes cold, and her face is also very ugly.

"Madame, what do you want to say?" Zhang Dalong knows what Ning Mengyao means even if he is stupid.

"Your son did something wrong, but nothing happened, but you, the father, didn't feel anything at all. Zhang Dalong, who did you say would be the one who cleaned up the mess for him?" Rather than answer Zhang Dalong's question, ningmengyao asked with a smile.

Zhang Dalong was silent and didn't speak. It's self-evident who this person is. Of course, he knows who it is, but he didn't dare to do anything because he knew it. If he did anything, today's affairs will not be so simple and can be solved.

Just a few simple breaths, Zhang Dalong has made the most favorable plan for himself.

"Don't try to look at me in front of you. Those things you think are what I left behind." Ning Mengyao looked at Zhang Dalong's calculating eyes and said with a light voice.

Although Zhang Dalong is a little older than herself, her experience of being a man of two generations is not blind. What's more, if she doesn't have such eyesight in her business life for so many years, then she's still confused?

As soon as Zhang Da Long's face changed, yeah, how could he forget that the man in front of him is the head of tongbaozhai. How could he play his heart in front of her?

Ningmengyao came to Zhang Dalong and looked at him coldly: "say or not?"

Now that he has known the purpose of ningmengyao, Zhang Dalong is determined that ningmengyao will not do anything to him, at least not take his life. As long as he still has his life, everything is not a problem.

Ning Mengyao squints at Zhang Dalong in front of her and suddenly feels very unhappy. She doesn't like the feeling very much. She hates it very much.

"Zhang Dalong, I wish your mouth could be so hard all the time."