Zhang Dalong suddenly had a bad premonition. Looking at Ning Mengyao, he was alert: "what are you going to do?"

"You'll soon know. I'd like to see if Tianchang's people trained by himself are really the kind of men who have to support even if they die. Don't let me down." Ning Mengyao looked at Zhang Dalong and said thoughtfully.



"Qingshuang should not let people die. I don't want it to happen before. By the way, you can help me to see how hard this person's mouth is." Ning Mengyao said with a sneer.

When he saw Qingshuang, Zhang Dalong's body was slightly stiff, and his face was very white.

That's with the horror of white.

Zhang Dalong has seen the means of Qingshuang, and it's not only once. As long as he thinks about the expression of Qingshuang at those times, Zhang Dalong feels that the whole thing is going to collapse, even if it doesn't, it's absolutely not easy.

"Madame, don't worry. I'd like to know if the general's training is really that good." Qingshuang said with a smile, but the smile didn't reach the bottom of his eyes, instead, it made Zhang Dalong's body stiff.

Zhang Dalong is taken down by Qingshuang. Ning Mengyao hands Zhang's account book to Qingxuan: "copy a notice of this account book, and then catch all the masters of Zhang's family. Don't let go of any of them."

"It's Madame."

When a notice from the general's office came out, it caused a shock to all the people at the border, especially the Jane's family.

Zhang Dalong was found. They have to work out a plan as soon as possible.

When the Jane family discussed the countermeasures, Zhangjia had been copied, all the money had been recorded and put into storage, and would be sent back to the capital soon.

The servants of Zhangjia are not involved, but some people feel that this feeling is very bad, and they are very dissatisfied with it. They feel that ningmengyao are too cruel.

Accompanied by Bai Ling, Ning Mengyao stood at the gate and looked at the people kneeling on the ground to ask for Zhangjia's life. His mouth was cold.

"You think Zhangjia is innocent. Did my wife make a mistake?"

"Madame Zhangjia will not do such a thing, and Lord Zhang is not such a person." As soon as ningmengyao spoke, someone followed him.

With the first, there will be the second, or even more.

Ning Mengyao looked at these people who kept shouting and said with obvious irony: "so many people ask for his life? If I'm not wrong, you helped him because he helped you. Why do you think that's a good man? Since you think he is a good man, I'll show you what the good man in your heart looks like, Qingxuan. "

"It's Madame."

Qingxuan took out a stack of paper in his hand and read it out in front of all the people. The above contents are all things that Zhangjia did. In addition to what Zhang Dalong did, there are also things that Zhangjia people did, especially Mrs. Zhang and Mr. Zhang.

Kneeling on the ground, the people looked at each other and did not know what to do for a while.

"It's all fake. It's impossible for them to do such a thing. Why should Madame slander them?" Suddenly someone shouted in the crowd, and the expression was very excited.

Ning Mengyao looked at the people who were shouting in the crowd with a smile: "I haven't found you yet, but you have sent them to the door by yourself, and Qingxuan has taken them down."

"What are you doing? Even if you are the general's wife, you can't use power for personal gain. " The man who was arrested resisted fiercely and said angrily.

"Power for personal gain? I don't know what I've done to hurt the world? You, a Jane family member, came here to accuse my wife. Who gives you courage? " Ningmengyao's momentum is greatly expanded. Although there is no powerful internal power as a deterrent, her momentum, which has been in high position for a long time, is not acceptable to ordinary people.

"Yao'er has no problem." Muchen came out of the room and raised the account book in her hand.

Ningmengyao took the account book in her hand and said playfully: "in the morning, you take our people to Jane's house and invite all the people of their family. By the way, if someone resists, kill them."