Muchen picked up her eyebrows and smiled: "it's natural. Those guys have been holding it for a long time."

Also, Ning Mengyao suddenly took out the jade pendant that she had been hanging on her waist and put it into the hands of Mei Ruolin who came out later: "sister Mei took my jade pendant and went to inform tongbaozhai's people. At the same time, she suppressed Yang's family, Lin's family, song's family and Ming's family."


Kneeling on the ground, the people looked at ningmengyao like this, and suddenly they were flustered. They all forgot ningmengyao's other identity.

"You must be curious why I suddenly want to move them? My wife can allow them to form gangs here at the border, but she will never allow them to do treason. Only those who do such things will die. " Mixed with a trace of internal power, the voice exploded in the public's ear. People kneeling on the ground, as well as the people watching the bustle were surprised.

"It's impossible."

"Impossible? Their partners are all in the desert, and there is an unknown tribe. I'm not explaining it to you. I don't need to explain it to you. I just want you to know why I did it. I didn't wronged them. That's all. If people here want to plead with Zhang Dalong's family, even if you kneel on the floor, I won't agree 'cause he's damned.' Ningmengyao glanced at everyone in front of her coldly.

Qiao Tianchang is not at the border now. He has more important things to do. Since then, she will be responsible for the clearance of the border. She will let everyone know the end of treason, which can not be solved by death.

When people kneeling on the ground saw ningmengyao like this, they suddenly understood that they were being shot.

"Madam, this is our fault. I hope madam can forgive me." One of them knelt on the ground and said coldly.

"I beg your pardon."

"Get up."

Muchen's movements are very fast. In less than an hour, people have caught the general's house. As for the rest of them, she doesn't mind giving them some time to linger for a long time, at least after she has dealt with the affairs here.

"Take it in."

After Muchen and other people went in, Ning Mengyao looked at the man at the gate of the general's mansion and said, "I will not wronged anyone, but I will not let go of anyone who is not good for the state of Xiao."

"Madame is wise."

"Let's go." Ningmengyao ignored them and turned back to the mansion.

When Yufeng and his family knew that the news was coming back, a lot of things had been settled, and some people of the Jane's family had been detained separately.

"Yao'er has imprisoned people in the dark prison according to your wishes. What are you going to do next?"

"Wait, of course."

"Xiaoyao, are you sure that you won't cause public outrage?" Yufeng some headache hand rub eyebrow heart, a face helpless asked.

Ningmengyao looks at Yufeng and says, "I'm afraid of doing everything."

"Xiaoyao, you are not going to use the things here to contain the rest of the people, are you?" Yu Feng suddenly asked.

Ningmengyao suddenly laughed, "it's my brother-in-law, that's what I mean."

"That's right, but are you too big for that?"

Ningmengyao picked up her eyebrows and looked at Yufeng and asked, "do you have any?"

"Why not?"

"Come on, you put people in the dark cell. I think people will be spoiled by you sooner or later." Yu Feng said with a headache.

Leisurely yawned, Ning Mengyao said casually: "don't worry, brother-in-law, people will not be bad. If people are bad, what else can I take to fish?" Ning Mengyao curled her mouth and said with great dissatisfaction.

Yufeng's eyelids twitched a little: "are you sure someone will take risks for Jane's family?"

"Won't you soon know?" In fact, she is only guessing. She also wants to see if the Jane family is so important in their hearts.