The face of the head of the Jane family is not so calm at last. Damn it, why didn't he think of that?

What they do is so hidden. If there is no fuse, how can Ning Mengyao find them.

"Damn it." The head of the Jane family cast a low curse.

"What happened to the owner?" When the people beside saw the look of the master, they asked.

"It's over, it's all over." The head of the Jane family sat on the ground decadent, his eyes wide open, and he looked at Zhang Dalong who was tortured.

Under such a penalty, when Zhang Dalong can carry this time, the head of the Jane family knows that Zhang Dalong has reached the limit, and the woman's meaning is obvious. She will not let Zhang Dalong die, that is to say, Zhang Dalong will not last long.

"What's the end of the family?"

"Ning Mengyao and his wife already know all the things we do. Qiao Tianchang is not at the border during this period of time, which means that he has probably gone to that place. You are very clear about what is there." Said the master in a low voice.

Several people on the edge looked at each other with disbelief on their faces: "how could this be possible? How could they have found out? "

"I don't believe it's true, but it's true." Said the head of the Jane family with a wry smile.

They are too confident and belittle Ning Mengyao's mind.

So when there was an accident in that family, they took it for granted that it would not happen. Who knows that not only did it happen, but also something important happened.

"Is there a traitor among us? Otherwise, we are so secretive about our work. How did they find out? " The people on the side still don't believe that they were found.

Years of hard work have been lost. The heart of the master of the Jane family is dripping blood, but what can be done? But he didn't agree with their speculation.

"Those of us who know this matter are here. You are all heartfelt people. How can you betray?" Said the head of the Jane family.

"But how did they find out?" The people on the side also think it's like this, so they have some headaches.

"Account book," said the head of the Jane family

"You mean the family's books? It's impossible. "

"Apart from this, there is no reasonable explanation. Because of this, I think ningmengyao is a very terrible woman." The master's vest of Jane's family is cold.

Ningmengyao's ability is beyond their cognition. If all this is true, then Their fate can be imagined.

The funny thing is that when they came, they thought they could leave soon. Even if they could not leave, they could live on. Now he has no such confidence.

"What shall we do now?" The man on the side asked anxiously.

"Wait." Since ningmengyao dare to put them in this place, it means that she is not afraid of anyone coming to the general's office to do it.

Ningmengyao listened to the conversation coming from inside, with a mocking smile on the corner of her mouth. She was really smart enough, but did she think it would be ok?

Ning Mengyao puts down what she has in her hand and goes to the cell where Qingshuang is. She looks at Zhang Dalong, who is in good condition, but is already angry.

"Why not?" Ning Mengyao looks at Zhang Dalong and asks.

Zhang Dalong clenched his lips and didn't want to say anything.

Ning Mengyao just smiled at Zhang Dalong and didn't mean to be angry at all: "it's OK not to say, but I don't know if your son's bone is as hard as yours? Is your old mother's bone as hard as that? "

"You can't do that." Zhang Dalong was immediately flustered and said hoarse.

"No? Why can't I? You can betray Tianchang for your own sake. Do you know the consequences of your actions like this? If you really succeed, how many people in Xiaoguo will be destroyed and displaced? I'll move your son and your mother. Can't you stand it? Have you ever thought about the millions of people? " Ningmengyao looks at Zhang Dalong like that, with a strong irony in her eyes. She is not a good person at all. She also looks like she has done something bad. This feeling is really terrible. She doesn't like it at all.