Zhang Dalong can't say a word when he looks at Ning Mengyao. Ning Mengyao's words are good. He has done his own evil, which has affected his family.

After Ning Mengyao finished these words, she stopped talking, and her words also fell into the ears of the Jane family. The young master of the Jane family subconsciously stepped back, and he was suddenly afraid.

Zhang Dalong looked at Ning Mengyao and said after a while, "I'll tell you what I know. I hope you don't embarrass my mother. She really doesn't know anything."

"This is natural." He is not interested in finding trouble with an old man.

The master of Jane's family leaned against the wall and looked at the person opposite with a very ugly face. Although he had guessed the result for a long time, he still couldn't accept it when it happened.

"What can I do?" If Zhang Dalong really wants to talk about it, it's really over.

The owner of Jane's family looked at them and said with some annoyance, "it's all like this. What else can I do?"


"No, but." Now that they are all in danger, there is no time for them to manage their affairs.

The scolded man shrunk his neck, lowered his head and stopped talking.

Zhang Dalong tells ningmengyao everything he knows. Ningmengyao suddenly understands why the Jane family risked their lives to save people. This is not to save people at all, and they will die.

Qingshuang looks at ningmengyao, points to Zhang Dalong and asks, "this man..."

"Keep it. Tianchang will come back to deal with it." Ning Mengyao thought and said.

Zhang Dalong is a subordinate of Tianchang, or a person trained by herself. I'm afraid it's not good that she killed people directly.

"Madam, kill me. I have no face to see the general." Zhang Dalong looked at Ning Mengyao and begged.

Ningmengyao left with a pause, then turned to look at Zhang Dalong: "you owe Tianchang an explanation. Tianchang treats you well. Why do you betray him?"


"You don't have to explain it to me. It doesn't matter to me. It's Tianchang, not me, who you want to explain." Ningmengyao looks at Zhang Dalong coldly, then turns around and doesn't go back.

What else does Zhang Dalong want to say, but when he sees Ning Mengyao's decisive expression and a bitter smile on the corner of his mouth, why? He has also forgotten.

Qingshuang looked at Zhang Dalong and said sarcastically, "the general has given everything. Is that how you repay the general in the end? Zhang Dalong, you are really good enough. "

"Maybe you're right. I'm sorry, general." Zhang Dalong murmured.

"Tell you, what the general hates most is the betrayal of close people. You just stepped on his bottom line." Qingshuang just can't see Zhang Dalong. He looks like this. The general has trained all his skills, but at last, he even used them to deal with the general. She is very unhappy and angry.

Zhang Dalong has been with Qiao Tianchang for more than 10 years, at least 16 or 17 years. He has been with the general since he was 15 years old. But later, the general left, and his heart grew. Maybe that's how he forgot his original intention and did something wrong with Qiao Tianchang.

Qingshuang snorted coldly, and told the people outside to take care of Zhang Dalong. Don't let Zhang Dalong die. Then he left the cell.

"Madam, are you ok?" Qingshuang looks at Ning Mengyao's face and frowns.

Ning Mengyao smiled and shook her head: "I'm ok. What can I do?"

Qingshuang doesn't speak, but looks at ningmengyao with worry in her eyes.

"Tell my brother-in-law what I got today, and let them prepare for it in the morning. I'm not sure when they will start." Ning Mengyao said with a cold face.

"What about Zhang Dalong?"

"I will write to Tianchang and tell him how to deal with it later. It depends on his happiness." Ning Mengyao said in a deep voice.

Qingshuang nodded. She thought that the general would be angry. After all, she had brought so many years of people.

It's almost what Qingshuang thought. After Qiao Tianchang received the news from ningmengyao, his face suddenly turned gloomy and terrible.

People at the edge were worried when they saw him like this: "what's the matter with Tianchang?"