"Nothing." Joe Tianchang shakes his head. It's just like that. It doesn't seem that it's OK.

Feng Xiao didn't wrinkle tightly: "what can't our friend say after so many years? And you're in a very bad mood. You're doing it. It's dangerous. "

Qiao Tianchang takes a deep breath and looks at fengxiao for a long time, then hands the letter to him.

Feng Xiao strangely reaches for it. After reading it, Feng Xiao understands why Qiao Tianchang looks so ugly.

A person who trusted for many years suddenly betrayed himself and did something to hurt Xiao Kingdom and the people. If Qiao Tianchang is not angry, is that strange?

"Dad, are you ok?" Joe mofeng came over. Look at Qiao Tianchang. He asked reassuringly.

Joe Tianchang shook his head: "I'm ok. I guessed that there would be a traitor in the morning, but I didn't expect that the traitor was the one I brought out, or the one I had been with for more than ten years."

He doesn't like to be betrayed, because he attaches great importance to his feelings. This time, Zhang Dalong's affair makes him feel a little uncomfortable, but it's not really unacceptable.

As for what Ning Mengyao said, he didn't think it was necessary to deal with this person until he went back.

"Dad?" Qiaomofeng looked at qiaotianchang like that, and his heart was worried. Such qiaotianchang seemed to be shrouded in darkness.

"I'm ok. Look at fengxiao here. I'll write back to Yaoyao." Qiao Tianchang smiles at Qiao mofeng and signals that he is OK. Then he turns around and goes to the side.

Where they couldn't see Qiao mofeng, Qiao Tianchang's face turned very gloomy, Zhang Dalong?

Qiao Tianchang wrote the letter, tied it to Xiaohei's feet, and watched Xiaohei open his wings and fly away from here.

In the general's residence at the border, Lei An came in with a gloomy face. During this time, he was very busy. He was busy in the training City and didn't know anything about it. After two days, he could just go home and rest. Who knew that when he entered the city, he heard a lot of news about Zhang Dalong's treason with the enemy, and it was also a notice from his sister-in-law.

Not only Zhang Dalong, but also the Jane family, and several other families have been arrested one after another. The evidence is conclusive.

Of course, lei'an is not looking for the trouble of Ning Mengyao. He is looking for Zhang Dalong. He believes that his sister-in-law must not have killed anyone. She will keep someone waiting for the eldest brother to come back. Before that, he wants to ask him why he should treat the eldest brother like this.

Where is the boss bad for him? He wants to do this kind of betrayal.

When Lei Anfeng finds Ning Mengyao, she is dealing with things while teaching Doudou to play the piano.

Leian looked at ningmengyao in a low voice: "sister in law, I want to see Zhang Dalong."

Ning Mengyao looks up at Lei An and says, "are you not satisfied with my treatment?"

"No, I don't believe that my sister-in-law will unjustly accuse others without any reason. I just want to know why Zhang Dalong betrayed the boss. He was so kind to him, and his heart was eaten by the dog before he could do such a thing." Said Ryan, gnashing his teeth.

Ning Mengyao looks at lei'an's excited look, and her mouth slightly twitches: "don't be so excited."

"Sister in law, how can I not be excited? If he had not been the eldest, he would have been dead. How could he have lived such a peaceful life now? " Ryan said angrily, his eyes full of flames.

"Go to find Qingshuang and let her take you there." Ning Mengyao is silent for a while, then says.

"Thank you very much, sister-in-law."

Ning Mengyao waved to let Lei An leave.

Doudou stopped when lei'an came. After he left, he looked at Ning Mengyao: "Niang, what's wrong with uncle lei'an?"

"He is so angry that he needs to lower the fire." And Zhang Dalong is his fire medicine.

Doudou nodded as if he didn't understand, and began to play the piano. He didn't understand this kind of thing, and naturally wouldn't ask more.