Ningmengyao reached out and rubbed the small head seeds of Doudou, with a thick smile on his face: "Doudou only needs to do what he likes, other things have parents."

"Well, I know mother."

After Ryan finds Qingshuang, he explains his intention. Qingshuang takes Ryan to the dark prison.

Without Ning Mengyao's order, Qingshuang didn't go to deal with the people of Jane's family. However, such an attitude made the family of Jane, who had been in a tense state of mind, more worried. They couldn't help but wonder if Ning Mengyao had used any other means to deal with them?

So when they saw Qingshuang and lei'an, they were relieved. However, what they were waiting for didn't come. Instead, they saw Qingshuang take lei'an to the next room, where Zhang Dalong was.

Although Ning Mengyao didn't torture Zhang Dalong any more in these days, in their eyes, this is much more than tormenting people. We need to know that these days, although they didn't torture Zhang Dalong, it's easier for people to be afraid just like him than at that time.

Because he looks terrible when he has poison.

If it wasn't for the presence of family members, the young master of Jane's family would have been scared to death by himself.

When Lei An went in, Zhang Dalong curled up on the ground, his face was full of pain, which didn't make Lei An feel any pity. Instead, he felt that this was what he was looking for.

Zhang Dalong came to lei'an. At the moment when he saw lei'an, Zhang turned his head and even dared not look into lei'an's eyes.

"Zhang Dalong, do you think you can close your eyes and do nothing?" When Ryan saw him like this, he was angry and laughed directly. Is such a person really a coarser trained person? Why does he think this is a coward?

Zhang Dalong is silent. As long as he doesn't talk, Lei An can't help him.

"Ha ha, when did Zhang Dalong start when you did the wrong thing and you know to flinch? When did you forget how many times the boss saved your life? At that time, the boss almost died in the hands of the enemy for you, but what about you? It's very kind of you to treat the boss like this. " Lei An looks at Zhang Dalong ironically and says angrily.

Zhang Dalong's body is stiff because of Lei An's words, and his face is also very ugly.

"You don't know anything. What is your right to accuse me?" Zhang Dalong suddenly shouted in a mad voice as if he thought of something.

Looking at Zhang Dalong like that, lei'an suddenly laughed. In the laughter, he was disappointed with Zhang Dalong: "it's time, you're still making excuses for yourself, Zhang Dalong. You said I don't know anything? You are the one who doesn't know anything. At that time, you were surrounded because of your recklessness. The eldest brother rescued you. You only know that the eldest brother got an arrow in the back, but you don't know that there is a poison on the arrow. The eldest brother almost lost his life because of the arrow, just afraid of your self accusation, so the eldest brother didn't let us tell you. Now you're OK to say everything to me Don't know? "

This kind of thing happened more than once, because Joe Tianchang thought that this man was his soldier, he would bring people back alive, but he did it to save people, but at last he was complained. Where is there such a thing as hurting people in the world?

Zhang Dalong looked at lei'an in a daze, as if his pain had been forgotten: "it's impossible."

"Impossible? At the beginning, your mother was ill. In order to make you stay at the border safely, he didn't think about anything when he was fighting. He found the best doctor and asked someone to escort him to see your mother. If it wasn't the eldest, your mother would have died. Do you think it's still there? Does the eldest brother spend so much time and experience to help a white eyed wolf like you? " Ryan is very reluctant to slap this guy twice. He wakes up and lets him see for himself what he has done.