Before his people came back from the border, they were full of praise for mu'er, even those in the hospital. They all said how good mu'er was there. Many ministers who had doubted mu'er before had changed their attitude after going to the border. They fully supported and supported mu'er.

For Xiao Mu in the hands of Qiao Tianchang's husband and wife, he is completely at ease. What happened last time was that they were not building momentum and buying hearts for mu'er?

"Take care of the emperor."

"Nanyu, wait a minute. Are you OK with Muer?"

"The emperor can rest assured that his royal highness is very good. Now the prince has made great progress in both his lessons and martial arts. The people who teach him are all the people who tongbaozhai asked by his sister-in-law to find. Martial arts riding and shooting are also the best teachers. Moreover, the eldest brother has been training the prince's Secret guards and relatives. The Prince now trains with those people every day." Nan Yu tells Xiao Qitian what he knows.

"Isn't Muer very tired?" So many things to learn, really no problem? Would you be too tired?

"The emperor can rest assured that Shanger has gone in with the prince to train. At the same time, there is Lei An's eldest son, thunder." Nanyu looks at xiaoqitian and wants to talk.

Xiao Qitian was relieved as soon as he heard about it. He knew that mu'er trusted shang'er very much and was very sticky. If there was shang'er, mu'er would be more relaxed, let alone thunder.

"In this way, I can rest assured that you can leave quickly. After a long stay, it's easier to attract the attention of those people and get out of the secret way." Xiao Qitian looked at Nanyu and said.


After Nanyu left, Xiao Qitian looked at the closed doorway. Nanyu followed Mengyao to learn the skill of changing face. I'm afraid no one can see it except her sister-in-law.

As long as Nanyu can deliver things to one of Tianchang or Mengyao, he will not be afraid at all.

Here he is guarding, and the border is handed over to Tianchang and Mengyao. He is very relieved.

After Nanyu left the palace, he changed his face several times before leaving the capital.

After leaving the capital, he left not very fast at first, but with the meaning of touring mountains and rivers. Until two days from the capital, Nanyu began to leave quickly.

Because there are so important things in her hand, Nanyu decides to go back to the border first, let her see them and then go to find the eldest brother. Maybe what's her opinion?

When Nan Yu returned to the general's mansion, Ning Mengyao was in a state of stupor: "Nan Yu, how did you come back? Aren't you by Tianchang's side? "

"After my sister-in-law sent the news to the eldest brother, the eldest brother asked me to go to the capital. I brought back some things from the capital. The emperor said that you should have a look with the old man. It's said that it's related to the other side of the desert and the faceless people." Nanyu took out all the things in her arms, a thick pile.

Seeing that pile of things, Ning Mengyao's face slightly changed. He reached out and took the things in Nanyu's hand and looked at him: "you go to see Qingshuang and the children first, and then you can go tomorrow."


After Nanyu left, Ning Mengyao began to open the thick stack of paper and letters in her hand.

After reading the letter, Ning Mengyao's face was dignified, and her face slightly changed. Looking at the pile of things on the table, her mind was heavy.

If it's the same as what Xiao Qifeng said, isn't it all over? How can this work?

If it's really related to the Xiao family, why doesn't she know? No one told him about it when he was in miaojiang?

Ningmengyao knocked on the table with one hand. After thinking for a long time, she turned over the things on the table.

What is recorded above is the relationship between faceless people and the desert. It is the division of the Xiao family that controls all this behind the scenes, that is, the offspring of the elder Princess and brother at that time.

They have lived in the desert for so many years, so that one day they can overthrow the whole state of Xiao and take back everything they think belongs to them.

Between gently rubbing the hands of this vital information, Ning Mengyao's eyes slightly narrowed, if it is true, then things can be interesting.