Why didn't they move Xiao Qitian? Is it really because she and Tianchang are holding people back?

This kind of thing, Ning Mengyao thinks it is impossible to happen. Although they have put people off, how can they not move Xiao Qitian since they can monitor Xiao Qitian?

I'm afraid there is only one possibility, that is, until the imperial palace of the state of Xiao has the weapons with great killing power in public, so they dare not act rashly unless they want to die.

Ningmengyao's eyes narrowed slightly. As long as they found what they were worried about, it would be much easier to do. As long as they didn't know that the weapons in Xiao kingdom were useless, Xiao Qitian would be OK. They didn't have to worry about Xiao Qitian's comfort at any time.

But Ning Mengyao didn't think that those shameless people were actually from the Xiao family. They can make all these perfect works of art. It's amazing and surprising.

"What are you doing, Xiaoyao? Who do you want to calculate for this picture? " Yu Feng looks at Ning Mengyao suspiciously and asks in a very confused way.

"I just heard some interesting news. Brother in law, please take a look." Ning Mengyao hands Yu Feng something.

Yufeng looked at it quickly. After reading it, he felt totally out of state.

"How do you feel after reading it?"

"First, how did Xiao Qifeng get the news? Second, how does Xiao Qifeng know about the Xiao family? What's more, Xiang xiaoyao'er, don't you think it's too far fetched? " It's not a good thing that a person who left Xiaoguo for so many years suddenly appeared with such shocking news.

Ning Mengyao smiled: "brother in law, we both think about it, but there is one thing I believe Xiao Qifeng won't do harm to Tianchang and they. Maybe he has adventures these years."

After all, a man who is going to die has lived to the present. Anyway, how can he live to the present unless he encounters an adventure.

Yufeng nodded and agreed to take a look at Ning Mengyao: "of course I know what you mean, but Xiaoyao, you know that's not what I said."

"Is brother-in-law doubting the truth of the news?"


"Actually, I doubted it from the beginning. Look at these letters again." Xue Chuqing gives the letter to Yu Feng.

Yufeng looked carefully. After reading it, he was silent. From the first one to the last one, the last one was the longest. At the beginning, the handwriting was very beautiful, but at the back, it was very scrawled, just like It seems that something happened and I wrote it down in a hurry.

"Xiao Yao'er, do you mean that he found it by accident and then wrote it down? And in the end he might have been discovered? " Yufeng is smart. Many things can be understood in a moment, just like now.

Ning Mengyao nodded softly: "that's right. In fact, does brother-in-law also think it's incredible?"

Yufeng nodded, but it was incredible. How could this happen?

"There will be judgment in Tianchang. They have arranged for such a long time. When it's time to collect the net, it's time for brother-in-law to collect the net for several other families." Ning Mengyao's eyes narrowed and said coldly.

Yu Feng's mouth slightly raised: "no problem, it's natural to listen to you."

"Please ask my brother-in-law for help."

"Don't be so polite to me. How many years have we been friends? You just need to help me to teach Yu Sheng. " Although Yufeng didn't want to admit it, he had to say that Yusheng really listened to Qiao Tianchang and his wife, especially Ning Mengyao.

In the same way, they said that the boy didn't take any notice at all. But if Ning Mengyao said that, he would be as good as a baby.

What's more, you can listen to Xiaoyao's words. It's better for Xiaoyao to bring her children, but not even Qiao Tianchang's words? That's too much.