"Isn't sheng'er all right? How did he make you angry? " Ningmengyao is very curious to see the unexpected opening of Yufeng asked.

Yu Feng is very suffocating. It seems that Ning Mengyao takes a look and says angrily, "don't mention it."

"Well, I don't want to talk about it. As for sheng'er, I think he's fine now. As long as you don't tease him, he won't fight you." Ning Mengyao said with a smile.

Yufeng and his son Yusheng are just a pair of happy enemies. Yufeng makes Yusheng happy, but every time he makes Yusheng happy, he always pays a price. The price is not small. Either Mei Ruolin does something to him or kicks people out of the room, but that's it. Yufeng always tries to provoke Yusheng. They are happy to repeat such things 。

He felt that Yu Sheng didn't do anything to Yu Feng. It was because of Mei Ruolin's face.

"Xiao Yao'er, this is the fun between our father and son, don't you understand?"

Ning Mengyao looked at the man who was dying to face and suffering, and shook her head. "You are the only one who can say this, brother-in-law. It's really shameless."

"I can't tell you, I'll go. Can't I do something?" Yu Feng hurriedly stops, let this wench go on, he really has no face.

Ning Mengyao can't help laughing at the runaway Yufeng. This is her brother-in-law. It's really interesting. Where he is, there's no need to worry about the atmosphere being out of control.

Yu Feng leaves, Ning Mengyao's eyebrows slightly wrinkle, maybe this time we can really understand about the Xiao family.

Eyes slightly flickered for a while, Ning Mengyao's eyes flashed a light.

The next morning, Nanyu left with a letter from Xiao Qitian and a letter from Ning Mengyao.

A few days later, he found Qiao Tianchang in the mountain. If there was no Xiao Hei leading the way in the sky, he didn't know how long it would take him to find someone.

"Back?" Qiao Tianchang asked when he saw people.

"Eldest brother, this is what the emperor asked me to bring to you. He's OK there. He's being watched." Nan Yu follows Qiao Tianchang and tells him about the capital.

When Qiao Tianchang heard that Nan Yu said Xiao Qitian was ok, he put his heart down and showed that he had read what Xiao Qitian had sent, and then read Ning Mengyao's letter.

Turning around and looking at the mountain in front of him, Qiao Tianchang said nothing. Fengxiao was talking to Qiao mofeng. Seeing him like this, he got up and went to his side: "what happened?"

"I think it may cost us a lot to get what we want this time." Joe whispered.


"Well, it's very dangerous."

"General, this is what Madame asked us to bring." Qingliu suddenly came, holding two black things.

It's like a mine. It's very destructive. Ning Mengyao is worried that things will be very troublesome this time, so she asked them to find materials to make these things and take them with her. The lady also told them not to use them until they had to.

"What did Yao Yao tell you?"

"I can't use it until I have to. It's too lethal." Said Qingliu in a cold voice.

Qiao Tianchang nodded: "well, I see. Have you found a place?"

"There are already eyebrows."

"Very well."

They have been in the mountains for quite a long time. At the beginning, they were OK. Later, no matter how they went, they would go back to their original place. Qiao Tianchang found those people inside. Some of them marveled at the five elements and gossip.

And all of them are in public, only Joe mofeng and Qingliu can. So they are responsible for breaking the formation. If they can't, they may be trapped here.

"Boss, why don't you try Xiaohei?"

"It's no use. Xiao Heifei can't see if he's too high. He's too low. It's the same as nothing." Said Joe Tianchang, shaking his head.

It's not that he hasn't tried, it just doesn't work.