Nanyu's eyes were puzzled: "but I followed Xiaohei in before."

Qiao Tianchang was stunned and turned to look at Nanyu: "what do you say?"

"I came in with Xiao Hei." Nanyu said again.

"No, it's covered by Qimen dunjia for hundreds of miles. You can't find the direction after stepping into this forest." Qiao Tianchang said with a frown.

He had just visited the things they sent to Xiao Qitian, but he ignored them. Nanyu would come to this place.

"Dad may be because Uncle Nan Yu has been dealing with a few insects since he was a child, and his body has changed a little. Maybe uncle Nan Yu can take us out." Now Nanyu can't be called a human being. He should be called a Gu man. One of the advantages of Gu man is that he can have some connections with the surrounding animals.

"I'll try." Before Qiao Tianchang spoke, Nan Yu nodded and agreed.

If we can leave here as soon as possible, it's also a good thing: "I'll go and have a look first, boss. If we can, we'll leave together."


Qiao Tianchang watched Nanyu leave, frowning tightly. Fengxiao came over and patted him on the shoulder: "don't worry, Nanyu is very powerful and his body is different from ordinary people. There is something easier to get away than us."

"I know all this. I'm just worried about what's hidden in it. Those people need such a big pen." Qiao Tianchang said in a deep voice.

If it wasn't for the lack of food in this place, they wouldn't be able to stay that long.

"What is it? Don't you know it when you get in? Maybe it's something that threatens us, or something that's useful to us. " Feng Xiao smiles and comforts.

Qiao Mo Feng looks at Feng Xiao in silence, and his eyes are full of dislike.

"Joe mofeng, what's your look?" Feng Xiao saw the look in his son's eyes, and suddenly he didn't calm down, said angrily.

"Despise your eyes, my father seems to be such a stupid person? You need to remind me? " Said Jo mofeng, very disgusted.

Yufeng suddenly wants to crush this kid to death. He's just too angry. He's fengxiao, his real dad, OK?

He doesn't understand why these children like Qiao Tianchang very much. No matter how strict Qiao Tianchang is when he practices martial arts, they won't get angry. They like to play with Qiao Tianchang very much. They also want this feeling, but these children don't pay attention to them at all.

"Tianchang, what charm do you have to make them like you so much?" Feng Xiao asked in great wonder.

Qiao Tianchang, who was thinking about things, heard fengxiao saying this. He gave a white eye and his eyes were full of speechless color: "fengxiao, you give me a little normality. Now you have to do something right."

"Nanyu hasn't come back. It's OK for us to talk about it casually."

"Want to know?"

"Of course."

"Because I have a teacher friend relationship with all my children, I can teach them harshly and play with them crazily." When teaching these children to practice martial arts, he didn't work hard, just to make them learn happily and play happily. Only in this way can they enjoy learning and have a good relationship with them.

"Are you sure you don't have a fever? Brain not burned? Are you still playing with children like this? You think I don't know anything? " Feng Xiao didn't like Qiao Tianchang's look and said without any words.

Qiao Tianchang takes a look at fengxiao: "do you believe it or not?"

"What Dad said is true." At the beginning of Qiao Tianchang's voice, Qiao mofeng on the edge began to help Qiao Tianchang speak.

"Feng'er, you don't need to help her like this. I won't eat him again." Feng Xiao said not very angry.

"Dad is not that I despise you, but that you really can't beat my dad. You can't even beat people and still want to eat my dad?" Joe mofeng looked at him with a very surprised look.

"Joe mofeng, are you not my own?"