As soon as Lord Liu's face changed, he recovered his calmness: "how can you even master martial arts? We look down on you too much. "

"Don't talk nonsense. Since Xiao Qitian wants to kill me, I don't mind killing him." Jin Lei said with cold eyes. The expression is very ferocious.

Secretly Qiao Tianchang looks at Jin Lei. He knows martial arts. Qiao Tianchang knows that, but his martial arts are not so good. Now Lao Liu is not Jin Lei's opponent at all.

Qiao Tianchang squints at Lao Liu and doesn't go to help him directly. He wants to see whether Lao Liu has made progress in the past few years.

Lao Liu is also a militant. Seeing Jin Lei like this, he was immediately excited to welcome him. He didn't mean anything to those little brats at all times in the barracks. Now there is a man who can be an opponent, and he will be very happy.

Jin Lei sneers and greets them. They seem to have seen their father's enemies killed. All kinds of vicious moves come. After half an hour, Lao Liu is defeated. Although he is defeated, Qiao Tianchang is very satisfied with his performance.

In the hands of Jin Lei, there are not many moves.

Jin Lei looked at Lao Liu who fell to the ground and smiled coldly: "suffer death."

"Jin Lei, you are brave. Who gave you the courage to do that?" Qiao Tianchang's body turned into a shadow, which appeared in the middle of the two for a moment, holding Jin Lei's knife in his hand, said coldly.

Hearing this familiar voice, Jin Lei's face changed greatly. He looked at the man in black robe: "you are Joe Tian Chang? Why are you here? "

Jin Lei understood that Xiao Qitian was suddenly in trouble because Qiao Tianchang had come back. With Qiao Tianchang, he could start with unbridled hands, which was not a good thing for her.

"Even if you recognize it, it will not change the fact that you will die." Qiao Tianchang looks at Jin Lei and says coldly.

"It's not certain who will die. Don't talk too much." Jin Lei pulls the knife out of Qiao Tianchang's hands, but no matter how much strength he uses, it's a useless work at the end. The knife seems to grow in Qiao Tianchang's hands, and it doesn't move at all.

Qiao Tianchang's mouth slightly hooked: "in this case, I will complete you and let you know how to write dead words."

In Qiao Tianchang's hand, Jin Lei didn't even go through ten moves, and he died in Qiao Tianchang's hand.

Not far away, someone has been peeping. When he saw that Jin Lei was dead, he wanted to leave secretly. However, Qiao Tianchang found him just after turning around, and he dragged him back and threw him to the ground.

"General, spare your life, I I don't know anything. I don't know anything. " The man quickly shook his head, and began in fear.

Looking at the person kneeling on the ground constantly begging for mercy, Qiao Tianchang lowered his eyes: "since you want to act, you should hide your internal power."


Qiao Tianchang reached out and sealed the internal power of the other party: "take it away."


Qiao Tianchang looks behind him, turns around and goes in. When she goes in, she sees a woman who has a lot of things to run, and two children who have also taken a lot.

Qiao Tianchang looks at them. If he guesses right, the thing in this man's hand is not gold and silver.

What a woman wants to escape from is not gold and silver, which makes people feel strange no matter what.

Qiao Tianchang picked up some stones on the ground and threw them into the woman's hand, which forced her to release the burden in her hand.

The woman covered her hands and looked at Qiao Tianchang not far away. Her face changed slightly. She was about to pick up the envelope on the ground. Although her reaction was fast, it was much slower than Qiao Tianchang.

Joe Tianchang picked up the envelope on the ground and took the things in the hands of the two children.

"What are you doing? Give it back to me. I I want to sue you for trespassing. "

"Trespassing on the house?"

"Give me everything back quickly." The woman doesn't care what Qiao Tianchang's appearance means. She yells at him directly. Her expression is also very ugly.

"Noisy, Lao Liu will take this woman back, don't let people run away, or die." Joe Tianchang said, squinting at the woman in front of him.

The woman immediately pointed to Qiao Tianchang and scolded: "I haven't done anything, why do you treat me like this? Why do you arrest me? "

"There are so many words, Liu. Didn't you hear me?"

"Yes." Lao Liu hurriedly asked people to take this woman down. Even he felt that the woman was not simple, let alone Qiao Tianchang.