Qiao Tianchang looked at the letters in his hand, and a faint arc was raised around his mouth. After he had collected all the letters, he went to Jin Lei's study to be in public.

As soon as he stepped into the study, a sound of breaking through the air came face to face. Qiao Tianchang subconsciously dodged the arrow. Looking at the green appearance of the arrow tip, he knew that it was very poisonous.

Avoid all the poisonous arrows. Qiao Tianchang's eyes squint around him. Such a common place has been set up. Such a delicate mechanism is intended to cover up the whole thing, or is there any hidden secret in it? If it is the former, what is Jin Lei doing so for? What does he want to hide?

But if the latter, he might be right.

Qiao Tianchang walked casually in the study, as if there was nothing to call the mechanism except the poison arrow just now.

After wandering around the study, Qiao Tianchang didn't find anything wrong. As for the secret room, he didn't find anything wrong, which made Qiao Tianchang curious.

After turning around the study, Qiao Tianchang finally plans to leave.

When Qiao Tianchang came to the door, his steps suddenly stopped for a while, then he slightly hooked his mouth and raised his feet to leave.

"He's gone. Let's go, too." Suddenly there was a rustle in it.

"No, he must not be far away. Now it's all his people outside. We haven't been caught directly when we go out?" Another voice retorted.

Joe Tianchang sits on the roof and looks at all the things below. His face is light and doesn't seem to mind the words of the two people inside.

The following people, who had been waiting for half an hour, saw that there was no one, so they came out carefully: "fortunately, we hid here before, or we would really die."

"Isn't it?"

They ran out quickly with things in their hands, which made people want to die directly.

Qiao Tianchang looks at the two people who are secretly leaving below, suddenly appears behind them, whispers in their ears and says: "you Where are you in a hurry? "

The voice came from the ear, scared the two people turned their heads. They saw Qiao Tianchang looking at them with a smile. That look and expression really made people want to laugh.

"You Why are you here? You are not Have you left? " Stammered one of them.

Qiao Tianchang looked at them, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his face was full of obvious accidents: "who are you?"

"I We are ordinary bodyguards. " Said one of them in a hurry.

"We are thieves."

Qiao Tianchang looks at two people who are stupid like this. Is this really stupid or not?

"You don't even know what you do? Since I don't know, come back with me and think about it. " Qiao Tianchang said coldly to them.

"I don't know what you mean, i..."

Joe Tianchang's mouth was slightly hooked. He looked at them with a smirk and said, "soon you will know."

After that, he didn't talk nonsense with the two people. He started to point out the acupoints for them, and took them away with one hand.

However, after they left, another person came out of Jin Lei's study. If Qiao Tianchang was here at the moment, he would be very familiar with this person, because he is Wu Ziyun.

Wu Ziyun, who was injured in ningmengyao, ran to Jinlei and hid here.

Wu Ziyun covers his chest and looks at Qiao Tianchang's back: "Qiao Tianchang Damn it, how could he come here at this time? "

As soon as he thought about the time when he was running east to Tibet, Wu Ziyun hated Ning Mengyao. The woman was so cruel that he sent two people to chase him. He hurt him. If he could not go back to that place, he could only come to the capital.

Originally, I thought Jin Lei was safe here, but now it seems that this place is not safe.