Qiao Tianchang looked at Wu Ziyun like this and sneered, "is it desert? Wu Ziyun has to say that you are really simple enough. It's good that your desert has not been swallowed. Do you want to make Xiaoguo a desert thing? "

"You talk nonsense."

"I'm not saying that you can't see it. You've been away from the desert for such a long time. Surely you don't know what the desert looks like now? Then I will tell you that the desert is now under the control of your wife, and that man has announced to the public that you have an accident and are seriously ill, and that woman's surname is Xiao. " Qiao Tianchang rarely looks at Wu Ziyun in a good mood and says,

"Qiao Tianchang, you can't make trouble here. I won't believe a word you said." Wu Ziyun looked at Qiao Tianchang angrily and said.

Qiao tianchanghen looked at Wu Ziyun funny: "you don't believe it has anything to do with me?"

"What do you want to do, Joe Tianchang?" Asked Wu Ziyun, gnashing his teeth.

Qiao Tianchang's face suddenly changed without the leisure just now, and became cold and abnormal: "what are you doing? No one can live well after calculating me. "

After arriving at the capital, he thought of many things, including ningmengyao. It's not exactly something related to ningmengyao.

In addition to her, as well as Jomo Shang's, and the birth of two twins, he remembered more or less.

Those memories make him feel warm, but also feel very angry, because of these people, he will forget so many, he is very unhappy.

Since he is not happy, how can he make others happy.

The people Qiao Tianchang wants to catch will not be given away. Many people will come to save Wu Ziyun on the way, but they all died in Qiao Tianchang's hands.

He brought people into the palace. Xiao Qitian watched Qiao Tianchang bring Wu Ziyun back. He was speechless for a moment.

"Tianchang, didn't you go to work? Why did you bring his highness back from the desert? " Xiao Qitian said this not because of his friendship with Wu Ziyun, but because of his teasing of Qiao Tianchang.

Qiao Tianchang looks at Xiao Qitian and says, "lend me your dungeon."

Xiao Qitian had a very creepy feeling: "do you want to use a dungeon? It's not about doing something to someone else's Prince, is it? Isn't that good? "

"Why not?" People are in his hands. What does he want to do? It's not a very normal thing?

"Tianchang, I want to ask you a question." Xiao Qitian carefully looks at Qiao Tianchang and asks.

"You ask, but I'm not sure I'll answer." Joe Tianchang said with a curly mouth.

Xiao Qitian looked at Qiao Tianchang speechlessly, and said angrily, "I don't have any other meaning, just want to ask if this person offends you?"

It's not surprising that Xiao Qitian would ask. Qiao Tianchang seldom deals with a person like this, unless he is completely angry, just like the original Qiao family.

"That's right."

Finish saying this sentence, Qiao Tianchang drags a person to walk directly, leave Xiao Qitian alone to be dazed there.

"Elder brother, how did Wu Ziyun provoke Tianchang?" Besides sugar and sugar, he really didn't know what else Wu Ziyun could do. He made Qiao Tianchang angry like this.

Xiao Qifeng came out of the dark road and looked at Qiao Tianchang who left. "Qitian, didn't you find that Tianchang is strange this time?"

"Strange? I don't think so, brother. Did you find anything? " Xiao Qitian blinked doubtfully and looked at Xiao Qifeng curiously.

Xiao Qifeng looked at his brother. His face was full of helplessness for him. It seemed like a child at all.


"Didn't you find that he didn't remember many things about Mengyao when he came back this time?" Xiao Qifeng squinted and said.

Being reminded by Xiao Qifeng, Xiao Qi's genius thought of such a thing: "brother, you don't say that I still forget. Last time, Tianchang told me that he was calculated and forgot all the things related to Mengyao, including several children. Do you think Wu Ziyun is related to this matter?"