If it doesn't matter, how can he treat Wu Ziyun like this?


"I heard that Tianchang was poisoned by the love forgetting flower. At last, Mengyao's friend helped me to know." Xiao Qitian thought about it and frowned.

"Love forgetting flower? Are you sure it's love forgetting flower? " Xiao Qifeng is surprised to see Xiao Qitian.

"Yes, it must be. That's it." Xiao Qitian said as he spoke.


"When he comes later, I'll see if it's the poison of love forgetting flowers. If I want to remember the past, I'm afraid it's difficult, unless they find it very early and take certain measures." Said the snow neon dress, frowning.

She doesn't know a lot about the news of love forgetting flowers. The records of the snow family are not many. She also knows the news from the mouth of the older generation.

She has never seen the symptom of the love forgetting flower. Maybe she can study it later.

Qiao Tianchang looks at Wu Ziyun in front of him. The expression on his face is neither cold nor gentle. It's like a smile, not a smile. This expression makes Wu Ziyun's heart burst. What does this man want to do?

"Wu Ziyun our husband and wife, and even all of us, are not sorry for you? Sugar and sugar saved you, but you wanted to take sugar and sugar back. Later, you began to calculate us. I didn't care about those innocuous calculations. It's a pity that you always don't know how to be satisfied. You think people in the desert start to be reckless after getting a little better day, right? " Joe Tianchang said in a low voice, at this time, he seemed to talk a lot.

If Xiao Qitian and their people are on the edge now, they will be far away from Qiao Tianchang, not near at all, because Qiao Tianchang is so terrible.

"If you are really good to me, you should not send sugar away, but also make a choice for sugar fiance. Sugar is mine, the princess of the desert." Although Wu Ziyun was afraid of Qiao Tianchang at this time, he was excited when he heard what Qiao Tianchang said.

If they agree to be with sugar, how can they do so many things? So it's all their fault.

He thinks he and Tangtang are a natural couple. Tangtang is so beautiful and lovely. He is kind to him and likes him very much. Why do they want to separate them like this.

He had been looking for sugar and sugar, but he couldn't find it, so when someone asked him to cooperate, he agreed directly.

In his opinion, only Xiao can get sugar.

Qiao Tianchang didn't expect Wu Ziyun's heart to think so. How far has such a child's mind been distorted?

"Ha ha, it seems that I shouldn't talk to you so much nonsense." Qiao Tianchang looked at Wu Ziyun and said coldly.

It's not necessary for him to talk so much about what others have said.

Half an hour later, Qiao Tianchang looked at Wu Ziyun like a rag doll in front of him. His mouth was slightly raised, but soon he couldn't laugh because there were many pictures in his mind, which made him want to collapse.

He put out his hand to cover his head, and a scene appeared in his mind. It was also in such a cell that he was dealing with a cold man who seemed to have been Qiao's family.

When he didn't come for a long time, many pictures flashed in his mind. When he got married, Ning Mengyao was pregnant. Then someone let them go. Finally, Ning Mengyao had a miscarriage and was seriously injured.

The scenes made Qiao Tianchang's expression painful and distorted. Qiao Tianchang's eyes were scarlet and looked at Wu Ziyun in front of him.

This kind of Qiao Tianchang frightened Wu Ziyun: "what are you going to do?"

Qiao Tianchang looks at the man in front of him, the man, and the scene gradually merges with the past. Qiao Tianchang doesn't seem to remember what is the reality and what is just memory.