"Ah..." Joe Tianchang roared like a trapped animal, which made people feel a little fearful and scared.

When Wu Ziyun was about to open his mouth, he punched Wu Ziyun in the face, dropped his teeth from the ground, and saw the red and swollen cheek of Wu Ziyun in that instant, we knew how much Qiao Tianchang hit.

Wu Ziyun frowns painfully. What's wrong with him?

"What are you doing?" Wu Ziyun's voice was so small that he could hardly hear what he was saying.

Wu Ziyun's original intention is to wake up Qiao Tianchang's mind. Unfortunately, he did not wake up people, but angered them.

Wu Ziyun felt the pain on his body and the expression on his face twisted into a ball. Why did it happen? What happened? Why did Qiao Tianchang suddenly look like this?

What's wrong?

Wu Ziyun doesn't know what happened to Qiao Tianchang, and Qiao Tianchang doesn't know what happened to him, so he feels like he wants to destroy all the things here. As long as he thinks that his children are gone, Qiao Tianchang's anger will come up in a flash, as if all the places are hostile to him.

Wu Ziyun, who was like a rag doll in his hand, was thrown to the ground. Qiao Tianchang turned around and left. Wherever he passed by, he threw people out directly.

There is no way, the people in the cell can only find Xiao Qitian.

"The emperor's affairs are not good. General Joe doesn't know what's wrong with him. He wounded all the brothers in the cell. Not only that, the cell will soon be demolished by him." Kneeling on the ground, very depressed said.

How did the general become like this? Is the gap too big?

As soon as Xiao Qitian heard this, his face suddenly changed. He hurriedly followed him out, but he could not be stimulated.

When Xiao Qitian passed by, Qiao Tianchang had come out of the dungeon. Looking at Qiao Tianchang's Scarlet eyes, Xiao Qitian's heart was thumping for a while. What kind of stimulation did it cause to this man? If that's the case, the trouble will be huge.

"Tianchang?" Xiao Qitian cried carefully.

However, Qiao Tianchang just looks at Xiao Qitian and turns away without paying attention to him.

Xiao Qitian looked at Qiao Tianchang with great anxiety. What did he mean by his appearance? Don't frighten him. He's very timid, OK?

"Tianchang, where are you going? Let's go to the study and say something. " Xiao Qitian is a little depressed. If this thing goes out today, everyone should know about Tianchang's coming back, which is not what they want to see.

No matter how tangled Xiao Qi's heart is, Qiao Tianchang doesn't know. He looks ahead and walks step by step.

Xiao Qitian's expression immediately changed. If it really let people pass, there would be no remedy.

Hurriedly went forward to stop people: "Tianchang that place is not allowed to go."

Xiao Qitian, who was in the way of Qiao Tianchang, was thrown out by the former.

Xiao Qitian, who hit the pillar and fell to the ground, reached out to cover his chest, and looked at Qiao Tianchang, who left painfully, "it's over."

In the dark, Xiao Qifeng looked at the snow neon dress and frowned and asked, "what's the matter?"

"He was indeed poisoned by the love forgetting flower. They had dealt with the poison very well before. He would be like this. He should have been stimulated, but didn't he go to the cell? Why is it stimulated? " The snow neon dress is frowning, strange ask a way.

"I'll explain it to you later. Now I'll suppress him." Xiao Qifeng frowned and said.

Let Joe Tianchang go on like this, it will be over.

Xue nishang smiled and nodded. Suddenly, two needles as thin as ox hair appeared in her hands. Then, under the action of Xue nishang, she entered Qiao Tianchang's body exactly.

Such accuracy is not available to Xiao Qifeng.