Xiao Qitian glanced at Fukang and waved casually: "don't talk about it in the future."


Fukang stood up carefully and waited on Xiao Qitian, because he was afraid to ask him anything about what happened just now. He was afraid that he would get angry with him, and then his life would not be guaranteed.

But when he was waiting on the side, those eyes were still on Xiao Qitian's Memorial. It can be said that Xiao Qitian could see everything he saw.

After seeing that the memorials were all impeachments to commander Lin, Fukang completely relaxed.

Xiao Qitian, who didn't know his mind, just looked at the memorials in his hands, mockingly. If he remembered correctly, those who impeached Lin Tongling were all people who had a close relationship with Jin Lei before.

Throwing the memorial on the table, Xiao Qitian frowned tightly, and Fukang asked carefully, "what's the matter with the emperor?"


After Qiao Tianchang left the imperial study, he did not return to Fuman building, but went to Cui Hao and them, but secretly went to the dungeon to see Lin Tong Ling.

"I have seen the general." Lin Tong led excitedly kneeling on the ground.

"Get up, how about here?"

"It's OK for the moment, but Cui Hao should be able to fight me soon." Lin Tongling said solemnly.

Qiao Tianchang nodded: "well, I know about it. He may kill you."

"I believe in the general." Lin Tong Ling didn't ask Qiao Tianchang. A word of belief has explained everything.

Qiao Tianchang's movement pauses slightly, then smiles: "don't worry, this play will not be without you."

"The general is relieved to say that." What Qiao Tianchang said is just as important and believable to Lin Tongling as Xiao Qitian.

After Qiao Tianchang told commander Lin some precautions, he heard a small voice coming from outside and hurriedly left.

Commander Lin raised a sneer, Cui hao? He waited for Cui Hao to have his own way.

No matter what Lin Tongling thought, Cui Hao soon appeared in front of Lin Tongling.

"Look who we are? Didn't you use to be high spirited? Now it's not in my hands. It's a prisoner. " Cui Hao looked at Lin Tongling and said happily.

Commander Lin didn't even plan to look at Cui Hao. He sat in the cell and closed his eyes.

Seeing Lin Tongling's appearance, Cui Hao's face suddenly turned ugly: "do you think you are the commander of the royal forest army? I tell you, you are just a prisoner now. "

Lin Tongling seemed to respond to his words at last. Looking up at Cui Hao, he said with a smile, "thank you for reminding me."

"What do you mean?" Cui Hao really doesn't like this feeling. What does this person mean? Why does he feel like he's making fun of him.

After Lin Tongling said a word, he closed his eyes and sat there with a smile on his face. However, the smile was provocative.

Cui Hao's brow was green and he looked at Cui Hao coldly and said, "since you don't know how to behave, then don't blame me for being rude. Do it."

Qiao Tianchang, who left the dungeon, quickly returned to Fuman tower and wrote a letter to Ning Mengyao.

Standing on the top floor and looking at the people coming and going, he suddenly felt that such a life was a little boring, without the company of his wife and children, he really felt that he was not interested in anything.

He reached out his hand and rubbed his eyebrows. He had been away for nearly a month. After going through Wu Ziyun and other things, he felt that he was going crazy thinking about that little woman.

Looking at the direction Xiaohei left, Qiao Tianchang takes the corner of his mouth and returns to Yaoyao.

In Qiao Tian's imagination of Ning Mengyao, Ning Mengyao is very busy every day. All the things she got at the Jane's house have been translated.

Finally, it was bound into three thick books by ningmengyao.

"It's over, and I'm going to be stiff." Yu Feng wriggles his shoulder and says painfully.

Joe mofeng also reached out his hand and rubbed his wrist. He thought that he would soon finish the work. Who knows that there are some problems in the process, they can only come back.