"Is feng'er OK?" Seeing Qiao Mo Feng rubbing his wrist, Ning Mengyao asked.

"Xiaoyao, do you want to be so kind? Only see feng'er, can't see us? " Don't wait for Qiao Mo Feng to speak, Yu Feng is not satisfied, staring at Ning Mengyao and muttering.

Ningmengyao sighed heavily, then looked at Yufeng and said, "you have sister Mei and Yuxuan in Muchen. Feng'er and I are alone. I don't care about him. Who cares?"

There's no mistake in saying that. There were some problems in the workshop a few days ago. Tea and tea have been staying there and haven't come back. It will take several days to come back.

"Ha ha, what did I hear? Xiaoyao's voice is so sad. It's really It's unheard of. It's unheard of. " Yufeng laughs loudly.

Usually only when Ning Mengyao abused them, now they are finally abused back.

Ningmengyao glanced at Yufeng coolly, then said with a smile: "don't worry, brother-in-law. When Tianchang comes back, I will tell him that I was bullied by you when he knew he wasn't there."

“……” Yufeng is speechless at once. If Ning Mengyao's book is really allowed to read like this, he would be better off.

"How can you do this, Xiaoyao? We need to be kind, don't you think? "

"How do you write" Hou Dao "? Why don't I remember? " Ningmengyao shows her hands and looks at Yufeng innocently. It means to gloat.

Mei Ruolin smiled unkindly: "let your mouth be cheap, do you think xiaoyao'er is something you can bully at will?"

Yu Feng looks at Mei Ruolin with a sad look: "my daughter-in-law is still my husband?"

"Yes." Meiruolin nodded generously.

Ning Mengyao looks at the two people who quarrel again and shakes his head in a funny way. It's true that they love each other.

"Maple, you go to have a rest."

"Well, so are you." Joe mofeng moved his body. It's time to have a good rest.

After seeing off Qiao mofeng, Muchen and situ Xuan can't stand to leave and go back to have a rest.

At last, Yufeng was dragged away by meiruolin.

"Yao'er has a good rest. He will not lose it there." When Mei Ruolin left, she said to Ning Mengyao in the room.

"Sister may, I see. Go to have a rest."

When only Ning Mengyao was left in the room, she reached out and rubbed her eyebrows and heart. She felt really tired.

Get up and put away the things in his hands. Go to Doudou's yard and have a look. When he sees that he is studying with Jiuyin seriously, he doesn't disturb him.

When Ning Mengyao was about to leave, Doudou found out her existence first.

"Mother, you are here." Doudou happily stops what he has in his hand and hurries to come.

His mother is very tired these days. He hasn't seen her for a long time.

Ningmengyao smiled and nodded: "yes, my mother is finished. Come and have a look at Doudou."

"That Niang quickly goes to rest, I want to eat with Niang today, OK?"

"Well, you learn from Grandpa Jiu first, and then your mother will take a rest and make you delicious food." Ningmengyao reaches out and touches Doudou's head.

Doudou quickly nods and urges ningmengyao to go to rest. The eager appearance makes ningmengyao laugh bitterly. She doesn't want to rest. How can she be so anxious?

reaches out and pinches Doudou's fleshy face. Ningmengyao can't help laughing.

After greeting Jiuyin, Ning Mengyao went back to her room. She fell asleep as soon as her head touched the pillow.

When she woke up, she had missed lunch, so she had to make dinner for him.

Yufeng and they are still sleeping. The dishes at that table are cheaper than those at Jiuyin and qiaomofeng.

After another night's rest, when all the mental state came back, Ning Mengyao took what they had spent a month to watch.

At the beginning, Ning Mengyao didn't think there was anything wrong, but slowly it was wrong. There was the origin of the separation of the Xiao family.

Ningmengyao's expression changed. She opened it carefully. After reading the first book in her hand, ningmengyao frowned tightly: "what is the relationship between the Jane family and the Xiao family?"