When the head of the Jane's family heard Ning Mengyao's words, the dark things changed. But soon he came back and looked at Ning Mengyao. His smile was full: "what's the matter with you here?"

Ningmengyao couldn't help laughing: "it seems that you have been locked up for too long, so that you forget whose territory this is. This is my wife's place. My wife will come naturally if she wants to. Don't you think that if I haven't come for a while, the owner here will not change?"

The head of the Jane family changed a little, but he really forgot that this is the place of Ning Mengyao.

During this period, although no one came to their trouble, they didn't be harsh on them. Although they didn't eat as well as before, they were good.

Too comfortable a way of imprisonment, let him forget his identity.

"I'm thinking, do you think your son is dead? Still thinking, what do we know from your son's mouth? That's not right, because in your heart, your son doesn't know much, or even very little. How can you tell us too much? " Ning Mengyao looked at the look of the owner of the Jane family who didn't care at all. She said with a smile, but the smile was playful.

The head of the Jane's family narrowed his eyes slightly. He was right. But now when he heard Ning Mengyao saying this, he suddenly had a very bad feeling, as if something was out of his control.

When the master of the Jane family thought about it like this, Ning Mengyao suddenly took out one thing, which was a topographic map, copied down.

"I don't know that the master of the Jane family knows this thing?" Ningmengyao is playing with the topographic map in her hand.

"How can I know what it is?" the owner's face changed slightly

The words of the head of the Jane family made Ning Mengyao laugh: "I don't know what this is? Since I don't know, I'll show you what it is. "

Ningmengyao will roll together the topographic map a little bit open.

When they saw the topographic map opened by Ning Mengyao, their faces suddenly changed.

If they had been very determined just now, how loudly their faces would have been beaten.

"Where are you from?" The master of Jane's family was a little excited and wanted to come and rob him, but he was stopped before he took two steps.

Ning Mengyao looked at the things in her hand, then at the head of the Jane family, and asked doubtfully, "what's the matter? Does the owner of the Jane family know what it is now? "

The head of the Jane's family looked at Ning Mengyao gloomily: "what do you want to do?"

"Well? What do I want to do? That's not right. What do I want to do? I have been lurking in the state of Xiao for more than 50 years, and I have done a lot of things that are injurious to nature. Do I need to continue to say that? " Ning Mengyao looks at the head of the Jane family with a smile and says something that makes his face very ugly.

This is not only the surprise of the owner of the Jane family, but also the people beside him: "what do you mean?"

Ningmengyao put her hand on the armrest of the chair, propped up her chin, and looked at the people who were excited in the opposite direction. The corners of her mouth were slightly hooked: "what do you mean? Jane? It should be said that it's Xiao's side support, isn't it? "

"How do you know?" she said

When he said this, the head of the Jane family regretted it. Didn't he indirectly admit that he was a member of the Xiao family?

"What? Do your sons know all the secrets of your Xiao family Ning Mengyao blinked and looked at them curiously.

Ningmengyao's words are a fatal blow to the people of the Jane's family. That child knows these things? It's impossible.

"It's impossible. How could he know?" Said the owner of the Jane family.

When his cowardly son said to tell Ning Mengyao everything about them, she didn't care at all. She thought he didn't know anything at all, but now he knows how terrible his self-esteem is.