Ningmengyao seems to like to look at the master of the Jane family. After seeing enough, she said slowly, "why? In fact, it was an accident that he secretly saw it. Then he went in for a look because of curiosity, so he found these things. But I'm really surprised that you can't see such an excellent son, and you make people so cowardly. How did you stay here for decades? "

"You..." The chest pain of the master Qi of the Jane's family is not good. It is so.

Damn it, he didn't find out that the kid knew their biggest secret, and he let the kid tell Ning Mengyao everything. Is that just Providence?

"He told you the secret of our family?" After being angry, the head of the Jane's family looked at Ning Mengyao with a calm face and asked.

"It's not. I found it myself. Why is it so unexpected?" Ningmengyao raised her eyebrows and asked, "but your family is still in trouble. I'm curious that you have recorded everything in the family in the account book. Don't you think it's troublesome to do that for what purpose?"

The head of the Jane family listened to the words in her ear. She didn't know what she was thinking. She frowned slightly.

"Now that you know everything, what else can I do?" Asked the owner coldly.

"I've already said that I'm curious why your family should do it. It's such a time-consuming and laborious thing that you're so happy to do." There have been such traces on the account books for more than 50 years.

When Ning Mengyao said this, he always looked into the eyes of the owner of the Jane family. After hearing what he said, although there was no extra change in the expression on his face, Ning Mengyao was relieved to see it in the middle.

This expression is very strange. According to the truth, he will not make such a move, but why?

"As you said, it's just to record things about the Jane family." The head of the Jane family looked at Ning Mengyao and said,

Ning Mengyao didn't believe this at all. Combined with the happy look in his eyes just now, there must be something wrong with the account book.

Stretching out his hand and rubbing his chin, Ning Mengyao looked at the master of Jane's family: "my patience is not good at all, such a lie will not come to me, it will only be disgraceful."

"That's the truth. Believe it or not, it's your own business. It's none of my business." The master of the Jane family said at will.

Ning Mengyao nodded with a smile and looked at the master of the Jane family: "I hope the master of the Jane family can always be so sure."

"What are you going to do?"

"You seem to have forgotten your identity. Now you are not the head of the Jane family, but our prisoners. That's all." Ning Mengyao looks at the person light opening to say.

Ning Mengyao looks at the master of the Jane family, and slightly hooks up the corner of her mouth: "I think the master of the Jane family can take me to find a lot of things, right? Even if it's hidden there, it's not difficult for me to find it when there's a topographic map. Are you right? "

The head of the Jane family didn't speak, but stood there in silence. Ning Mengyao was right. They had the topographic map. According to Ning Mengyao's methods, it's a very simple thing to find a place. It's not something he can hide if he wants to.

"We'll see who's going to laugh at the end of the day with such a good demeanor as the head of the Jane family." Ning Mengyao said, looking at the words of the master of the Jane family.

The head of the Jane's family watched Ning Mengyao leave and saw that the people on the side hurriedly came up: "what shall we do, the head of the family?"

The head of the Jane family shook his head and looked at Ning Mengyao's back: "now we can do nothing but wait."

"But it's not good for us."

"So what? This place is surrounded by five elements and eight trigrams array, and it's still a master. We can't go out at all. If the news can't be sent out, we can only wait and die. " The owner of the Jane family has a headache.