If they can, do they think he wants to take it here? He didn't want to stay here either, but

"Just now, Ning Mengyao didn't believe what the owner said. Instead, he became suspicious and was able to crack the secrets of our account books. The rest I'm afraid it's only a matter of time. " He who has not spoken, said in a deep voice.

Of course, the owner of the Jane's family also knows: "it's a period of time to delay. I just hope that they already know what happened here and start earlier."

If they dare to speak in this way, they are sure that people outside will not hear them.

In this period of time, except that there are people here every day when it's time to have a meal, others are all alone.

But today they miscalculated. Ning Mengyao didn't leave. She just stood by and listened to them. A cold smile came up from the corner of her mouth. She wanted to delay?

When the owners of the Jane family are procrastinating on their time, why not give them time to prepare?

Ningmengyao takes a look inside, turns around and leaves. Qingshuang follows ningmengyao all the time. She also hears the words of those people in the Jane family: "what shall we do now, madam?"

"When Tianchang left, he had arranged all the things. Just do what Tianchang meant. Now I'm going to study what kind of secret is hidden in their account books." Ningmengyao is curious about this.

Qingshuang nodded, then wondered, "will they say that on purpose?"

"No, these days, no one is watching them, except when they are delivering food to them." She didn't want to put willows into shade. She didn't want people to take care of them except for dinner. She just didn't expect to give her such a big surprise.

Qingshuang nodded and left behind Ning Mengyao.

"Take a rest, madam. Don't be too tired, or the general will be hurt to see you thin like this when he comes back." Qingshuang frowned discontentedly.

Ningmengyao smiled at Qingshuang and said, "I think Tianchang is your master. You know that you love him."

Qingshuang smiled at ningmengyao and said, "I don't mean that. It's my wife who said that. Don't you care about my wife when I say that?" After getting those account books, my wife has been looking at the account books all the time except for the time of eating and sleeping. Before that, she had a rest at noon, but now she doesn't have a rest. Not only does she not have a rest, but she also has a lot less sleeping at night.

Some of the meat that had just been raised in the world before is now all gone. If the general sees it, he must smoke them? Don't take good care of my wife.

Ningmengyao looked at Qingshuang and said with tears and smiles: "it's very important to say that I'm not in any serious trouble now. You've seen it for me. Isn't it much better?"

"Although it's true, we should pay more attention to rest." Qingshuang said discontentedly.

"I'll listen to you. I'll have a rest." Ning Mengyao reluctantly smiles and shakes her head.

Qingshuang looks at ningmengyao with a very distrustful look: "madam, I really don't believe you at all."

“……” Ning Mengyao wants to cry without tears. Can she push this rebellious thing out and beat it?

"Well, I'm serious."

Seeing that Ning Mengyao was so quick, Qingshuang took an account book and looked at it with a slight twitch on the corner of her mouth. At last, Qingshuang decided to ask grandma Qin to make some food for her and more body tonic.

Ning Mengyao is the only one left in the room very soon. Her eyebrows are tightly wrinkled. Ning Mengyao looks at the account book in her hand with a thoughtful expression on her face.

A month ago, apart from those things, they didn't find anything. Is there any hidden secret in this account book?

With one hand hitting the table, Ning Mengyao's face was full of thought.

She looked through the account book again, and didn't seem to find any unusual phenomenon. How could there be any secret in it?

Then throw the account book to again, Ning Mengyao nibbles his lips: "what does this mean?"