Ning Mengyao did not answer Yu Feng, but took the account book and looked at the side of the account book. There were some very small lines on the three sides.

These lines are so thin that we can't see what they are.

Ning Mengyao looked at the very thin lines, suddenly thought of the memory hidden in his heart, distorted the account book with a strange appearance, and looked at the past.

This line is obviously a lot. Ning Mengyao quickly loosens and goes to the desk, throws the books on the desk to one side, takes a piece of rice paper and her charcoal pen from the side, and brings the account book.

After making the lines on the account book very obvious, Ning Mengyao looked at it carefully, and then drew a full picture on the rice paper.

They are stupid at all. They really don't know the meaning of Ning Mengyao's actions.

Can see ningmengyao that serious appearance, they also did not disturb, just went to the desk to see her looking at those strange lines on the account book to write and draw.

After Ning Mengyao copied all the lines in an account book, Yufeng asked, "what's the matter with you, Xiaoyao? Did you find anything? "

"My brother-in-law, you help me to find the account book, which is specially designed for this kind of account book, with this kind of thin lines and small points on the side." Ningmengyao will put aside the account book and show it to several people.

"What's the use?"

"Don't talk nonsense. There must be a reason why Yao'er asked us to find out. Where did you come from? When Yao'er is sure to tell us, what are you worried about?" Meiruolin slaps Yufeng. Is it time to answer the question?

Yufeng helplessly looks at her daughter-in-law, and then at ningmengyao, who looks at the lines on the rice paper, and frowns tightly, Yufeng obediently goes to help.

In a short time, ningmengyao had a lot of account books beside her. She was too slow alone. Ningmengyao asked Qiao mofeng to help her.

Qiao mofeng is responsible for using the method taught by Ning Mengyao to get out the lines on the account book, and Ning Mengyao has drawn all these lines.

By the time Yufeng picked out all the books, it was almost dark.

"You can't do that, Xiaoyao. Take a rest and do it tomorrow."

"Brother in law, I know. I'll have a rest after I finish this." Ning Mengyao said without raising her head.

After sketching out the lines on the account book in front of her, Ning Mengyao looked at Qiao mofeng on the edge and said, "feng'er, have a rest."

"Good." Qiao Mo Feng throws away the account book in his hand, then twists his aching wrist, frowns slightly and says, "what's the use of these lines?"

Ning Mengyao took the rice paper on the table and looked up: "Maple, have you ever lifted these lines? Where do we seem to have seen them?"

Joe mofeng looked carefully, then shook his head: "No."

"Is it?" Ning Mengyao murmured with a crooked head.

The next day, after they copied all the lines on the remaining account books, one of them held a piece of rice paper and looked at the lines on it: "what are they doing with so many lines on the account books?"

Ning Mengyao shakes her head and looks at the rice paper in her hand. She must have seen the lines on it, but suddenly she can't remember.

Where did she see it? There are many lines in it. She feels very familiar with it. It seems that she did see it somewhere.

But where is it.

At this time, Ning Mengyao would like to knock on his head to see the memory inside his head, to see when he saw these lines.

When Ning Mengyao's head was about to break, there was a thumping sound outside. When they saw it, Xiao Hei came back.

Ningmengyao quickly put down the rice paper in her hand, walked over and took the letter off Xiaohei's leg.

Ning Mengyao opened the letter and looked at the content, but her mind was not on it at all, but she thought of another thing.

"I can't be wrong to remember where I saw it." Ning Mengyao dropped the letter in her hand and ran out.