Yufeng and other people watched Ning Mengyao run away. They hurriedly followed him. How could they leave with a word?

"Don't worry, Xiaoyao." Yufeng and they run after Ning Mengyao and find that what she went to was Qiao Tianchang's study.

Because Qiao Tianchang has to talk to lei'an and them a lot of times, in the yard, Ning Mengyao simply prepared two study rooms. Qiao Tianchang's study is very good.

Yufeng is the first time for them to come to Qiao Tianchang's study. There is a big sand table in the middle of the study. On the sand table, there are some cities piled up with sand.

Ningmengyao stood in front of the huge sand table and looked at the small mountains, which were already in the city. Her eyebrows were tightly wrinkled. Everything in front of her reappeared one by one with the lines they had just finished.

Ningmengyao didn't wrinkle tightly: "how could it?"

"What's the matter with you, Xiaoyao?" This girl has been strange since yesterday, but now it's even more strange.

"No, it's not this. What is it? Where have you seen it?" Ningmengyao is now in his own thoughts and has not heard what Yufeng is talking about.

Everyone looked at each other, even more confused. What's the matter with this girl today?

Mei Ruolin goes to Ning Mengyao's side and looks at the sand table in front of her: "Yao'er, do you think those lines are very similar to this?"

Like this? Ningmengyao's eyebrows wrinkled deeper, then walked around in Qiao Tianchang's study, and finally saw the layout of Xiaoguo on one side.

Ningmengyao stood in front of the picture, looking at everything on it carefully, then turned to look at the following Qiao mofeng: "Maple, you go to take the line drawing rice paper in my study."


Ningmengyao single hand ring chest, a hand on the lip, looking at the layout in front of, many lines are very familiar.

Yufeng and they look at Ning Mengyao and suddenly silence, very helpless to say: "how is Xiaoyao, you have to tell us? We can't help you in this way. "

"Brother in law, you will soon know." Ningmengyao looked at the front of the defense map head also does not turn said.

“……” Yufeng has a feeling of being ignored by ningmengyao.

Muchen, they looked at the defense plan in front of them, and thought about the lines drawn in the account books they found. Their brows were tightly wrinkled together.

They just think that their heads have turned into paste. They can understand the layout, but they really can't help those lines.

Qiao mofeng took all the things and the charcoal of Ning Mengyao.

"Mom, I've got what you want." Qiao mofeng hands everything to Ning Mengyao.

Ning Mengyao took the lead, looked at the stack of rice paper in her hand, looked at it seriously, and at the same time, marked the rice paper on her hand with numbers.

It took Ning Mengyao nearly three hours to stand in front of the defense plan to mark all the rice paper in her hand with several numbers.

From the beginning to the end, one by one, after one look, Ning Mengyao's brow, which had been unfolded by Shu, once wrinkled: "No."

"Xiaoyao, tell us what you found." They've been standing here for three hours. They're really tired. They don't know anything. Just stand there.

Ningmengyao ignored the howling of the wind, put her hands on her lips, looked at the defense plan in front of her, and thought about the Xuan paper she had read several times: "no, it's still worse."

Seeing that Ning Mengyao finally spoke, Yu Feng was relieved: "what is the difference between Xiaoyao and her?"

"These lines are not good enough. Brother in law, you can ask Qingshuang and their help to find all the account books. Oh, by the way, we can also find the account books we got before." Ning Mengyao said in a deep voice.

"These lines of Xiaoyao are not really this thing, are they?" Yu Feng suddenly realized the seriousness of the problem and asked Ning Mengyao.

Ningmengyao took a look at them, took out the first rice paper in her hand, and put it on the edge of the map: "brother in law, come and have a look, isn't it the same?"