Yufeng they went to see, and then shook their heads: "it's not the same."

Ningmengyao's mouth was slightly hooked, and then he turned the rice paper around: "I didn't like it just now, but now?"

several people looked as like as two peas, and suddenly found that the Xuan Xuan was in the direction of the left side.

"They drew the defense plan of the state of Xiao on the account book?" Yufeng's eyelids beat for a while. These people are really good at writing. Who is the second Leng?

Ning Mengyao shook his head: "I don't think it's that simple. As for the specific thing, I'm afraid that I'll have to wait until I find all the things and put them together."

"We'll go at once, and you'll get it out here." They have no interest in this kind of puzzle, and they don't know why Ning Mengyao has such a good memory.

"Well, maple will stay and help me." Ning Mengyao nodded and stopped Qiao mofeng.

They took a piece of rice paper in front of the layout. Ning Mengyao arranged the lines on the rice paper one by one according to the layout.

When they were busy, Yufeng and Yufeng were also busy, searching for those account books constantly. Finally, they found seven account books with lines in the previous pair of account books.

Several people were worried about what they had left this time, so they searched again, and finally Qingshuang found another one in the corner.

After confirming that they had all been found, Yufeng went to Qiao Tianchang's study with eight account books.

"Xiaoyao has found it. There are eight copies here."

Ningmengyao quickly took it, drew all the lines, and then added the small defense map she put together.

At the end of the last stroke, Ning Mengyao was relieved greatly, and then looked at the layout map on the table: "brother in law, you can see what's different between the two layout maps. I'll have a rest. By the way, I'll call Lei An. He knows nothing about it."

"Yes, go to find Ryan." Yufeng claps his hands to let them see. After finding the corns, they can't see anything different.

Lei'an was soon called over. After hearing that it was Ning Mengyao who was looking for him, he was a little surprised: "sister in law, what do you want to do with me?"

"Ryan, come and have a look at this layout. It's different from the one in Tianchang's study. We really don't see any difference." Ning Mengyao said, pointing to the picture on the table.

Yufeng is also a bitter gourd face: "we all have to look at cockfights. I didn't find anything different. If you find out, please tell us."

Ryan took the map on the table and looked at it. After looking at it again, he looked at the map in front of him. Then his face changed greatly: "sister in law, where did you get this?"

"I found it in Jane's account book. What's the matter? Is there any problem? " Seeing Lei An's reaction, Ning Mengyao asked strangely.

"There's a problem, and it's still a big problem, sister-in-law, come and see." Lei'an asked Ning Mengyao and them to come over. When Ning Mengyao and them came to the table, lei'an pointed to several places: "there are many enemy troops in these places, and there are a lot of them. I think the reason why the other side gave them this is to let them meet the needs of both inside and outside and beat us unprepared. In addition, here is the most important place. When they break the city, they will choose to This place, so the Jane family must be prepared here. " Said Ryan, with a gloomy face.

Yufeng, they looked at each other, and by this kind of thing, those people could really do it.

"Sister-in-law must tell the eldest brother about this, and let the eldest brother come back immediately. This battle may be going on soon." Said Ryan gravely.

Ningmengyao frowned: "Tianchang is over there OK, I'll write to him. "

When she came to her desk, Ning Mengyao began to write a letter. After writing, she dried the ink and called Xiaohei to send the letter out.