"Sister in law, I'm busy. I'll find a way to kill the people in these places first, or we'll have trouble then." Ryan frowned helplessly.


"Wait for me to come with you." Yu Feng stops Lei An and goes with him.

Mei Ruolin and others looked at the defense plan in front of them and frowned: "Yao'er, their pens are really big."

"Yes, if we don't find anything, what kind of problems will we face at that time? I can't even think about it." Ning Mengyao was silent for a while, then said.

"Don't worry. It's no problem with our support."

Ningmengyao nodded. They had nothing, but the most money and materials. As long as the soldiers fought bravely against the enemy, they could.

"Operate tongbaozhai everywhere and monitor every place. After the war begins, if someone intentionally makes trouble or spreads rumors, catch them all." They can do so many deployments, and there must be people elsewhere. She can't let civil war happen.


Ning Mengyao looks at the letter sent by Qiao Tianchang and looks up at the front. Until Qiao Tianchang comes back, she won't let anything happen.

Just walked to the door and saw the purple spirit shaking three times coming: "what's the matter with you?"

In this period of time, I haven't seen Ziling. After I asked, I found out that people and Jiangying are fighting each other. When they are gone, they want to find them. When they see them, they have to quarrel. They are just a pair of happy enemies.

Ziling shook her head and said, "I don't know. I feel sleepy, just like I can't sleep enough in one day."

"Let me show you Maple?"

"All right." Ziling wanted to refuse, but she thought carefully. Now this feeling is really enough. She can't stand it. She is lying on the bed nearly ten hours a day.

Joe mofeng reached out to feel for Ziling, and then he was embarrassed. He looked at Ziling with a very strange look.

"I said, Joe mofeng, what are you doing looking at me like this? You quickly say what's wrong with me. It's so hard. " Ziling looked at Qiao mofeng discontentedly and said.

Qiao Mo Feng looked at the purple spirit one eye, calmly withdraw the hand: "nothing, is pregnant just."

"Oh, pregnancy No, what did you say about me? " Ziling responds and looks at Qiao mofeng. No matter how she looks, her expression is weird.

Ningmengyao also looked at Qiao mofeng with surprised eyes: "is maple purple pregnant? How long has it been? "

"Two and a half months."

“……” Purple spirit speechless looking at Qiao Mo Feng, and then looked down at his stomach, silent for a long time, looking at Qiao Mo Feng: "help me take it off."

This changed into Joe mofeng surprised: "why?" Doesn't she like children very much? Why do you do this?

Ziling turned and looked up at the sky without much cloud: "I like children very much, but I can't have this child."


"Because of my constitution, I am full of poison. My child is still young and will not be affected. But when he grows older, even if all the poison in my body will not enter his body, it will be quite a lot. Do you know how many poisons there are in my body? There are no less than 500 kinds, all of which are deadly poisons. Even if he only gets one or two of them, he will die. " She doesn't want to do that either. It's a very satisfying thing to have a child in this strange world, but her body can't let her have a child. She doesn't want to see her child's pain after birth.

Qiao Mo Feng is silent for a while: "Nanyu uncle and Qingshuang aunt are good at using poison. Maybe you can ask them and then make a decision."


"Mom, I went to find tea." He hasn't seen anyone for several days. So has the girl. She has no intention of coming back.


After Qiao mofeng left, Ning Mengyao looked at Ziling and said, "is the child Jiang Ying's?"

Purple spirit silently nodded: "am I stupid?"

"It's a bit silly. Don't worry too much. Maybe it will be inherited to your constitution? Aren't you all right now? " Ning Mengyao patted Ziling on the shoulder.