Purple spirit was silent and did not speak, and did not know what he was thinking.

Ningmengyao reached out and held her shoulder: "I had a child before the little monkey, because there was no accident. At that time, I almost collapsed. Believe me, if you really take the child off, you will regret it. No matter what his physique is in the future, there will be no problem with us. Here, Qingshuang is a master of medicine and poison, and Nanyu is also a master of medicine and poison He can make poison. Feng'er and tea are experts in medicine. He is also an expert. I am the master of tongbaozhai. There are countless herbs in it. There are both people and herbs. What are you worried about? "

Ziling looks at Ning Mengyao: "but..."

"No, but if you have helped us so much, you can wait for the baby to be born. Don't think so much. We are here." Ning Mengyao patted Ziling on the shoulder: "do you want me to send you a letter to Jiang Ying?"

Ziling looked at Ning Mengyao awkwardly and reached out to touch her nose. She said, "isn't that strange?"

"What's strange? Ask Jiang Ying's opinion. Then you can get married. Do you want to wait until you become a great woman? I asked green bamboo to make your wedding dress. " Ningmengyao decided to clap his hands directly regardless of the opinions of the parties.

Ziling felt her nose awkwardly: "what..."

"Ha ha, purple spirit originally you also have shy time?" Ning Mengyao could not help laughing when she saw the shy appearance of purple Ling.

When the atmosphere is tense like this, it's good to have a happy event. At the same time, it can make some people think that they haven't found anything, otherwise how can they still have a wedding at this time?

She likes to do things that confuse people's eyes. Ning Mengyao reaches for her chin and decides to send a letter to Qiao Tianchang to tell him the good news. What expression will he have at last? Ning Mengyao expressed her great expectation.

However, when meiruolin knew that Ziling was pregnant, and it was Jiang Ying's, they all changed into sculptures in an instant, which made Ning Mengyao laugh very loudly, which was really good.

Ziling was embarrassed, but when she saw meiruolin's reaction, she couldn't help laughing.

However, after their actions, purple spirit couldn't laugh. Why?


"We'll prepare it for you."

Mei Ruolin and situ Xuan both spoke at the same time. After that, they left and came back directly. One of them held a box: "this is for you."

"What?" Asked Ziling, fainting.

"Just look at it."

When Ziling opened the box and saw what was inside, there were several sets of heads in it, and there was a thick stack of silver tickets under it.

"It's a rule to give money to the front. Add makeup. As for the money ticket, we think it's more practical to give money ticket. If you want to buy it yourself, we will give it to you when Lele gets married." Meiruolin saw Ziling's stupidity and explained.


"Keep it, sister may. They have so many good things."

"Good." Now, Ziling is basically what ningmengyao said and she did. She's totally stupid.

And another person who was also stupid looked at Nanyu: "what did you say just now? Who is pregnant? "

"Ziling, what? That child is not yours? " Nanyu looks at Jiang Ying coolly. This guy is so powerful that he can hook up with his sister-in-law's friend.

Jiang Ying looks at him in a daze. Looking at him like this, Nan Yu goes on to say, "sister in law, they say they need to prepare for the wedding, so you can go back quickly."

"But here..."

"Let's go. I'll watch it here." Nanyu looks at Jiang Ying and impatiently drives people away.

Jiang Ying took a look at Nanyu: "you are envious."

"What's wrong with your mind? My son can make soy sauce. I envy you. " Nanyu said very disdainfully, but he was very happy to think of his son, that is, he missed his children.