Since returning to the general's mansion, Jiang Ying has been busy finding all kinds of delicious food for Ziling every day, which is to deal with the wedding affairs. He never thought that he would get married one day. Every time he saw them here, he thought that they would get married in pairs. Later, with Ziling, he found that, in fact, their lives were also very good The noisy days are over. Now there is another child. Although the child may be weak and ill in the future, he still expects the same.

At the same time, according to Ning Mengyao, Jiang Ying made the wedding very big. He once sent invitations to his friends and brothers in the Jianghu, and soon everyone outside knew that the general's mansion was going to have a wedding. It wasn't that they deliberately inquired about it, but that the general's Mansion didn't hide it at all.

During their infatuation in acting, Qiao Tianchang, who was far away in the capital city, also received two letters from Ning Mengyao. After reading the first letter, Qiao Tianchang's face slightly changed, with a dignified color on it. After reading the second letter, he was totally at a loss, apparently not clear about the situation.

Ziling is pregnant, the child is Jiang Ying's, Jiang Ying is going to get married?

After a long time, Qiao Tianchang put the letter away, and then took the first letter into the palace.

Fukang now feels creepy when he sees Qiao Tianchang. When Cui Hao killed commander Fu Lin, Qiao Tianchang's expression is very ugly. If they don't have evidence in their hands, I'm afraid Cui Hao will die in Qiao Tianchang's hands.

Qiao Tianchang takes a look at Fukang. His eyes are cold.

Fukang shuddered and hurriedly saluted: "I have seen the general. The emperor has been waiting for him for a long time."

Qiao Tianchang took a look at Fukang, his eyes narrowed slightly, and walked in with a cold hum. After entering the room, his face looked like the weather in June, saying that changes would change.

Seeing Qiao Tianchang's appearance, Xiao Qitian asked curiously, "how does this Fukang provoke you?"

"It wasn't he who provoked me, it was something big." Qiao Tianchang looks at Xiao Qitian and says coldly.

"What is it?" It's a big thing that can make Qiao Tianchang say. It must be very urgent.

"Go to the secret room and say."


When they entered the secret room, Xiao Qifeng had been waiting when they heard the voice: "what happened?"

"This is the letter Yao Yao just sent to me. Please read it. We will talk about it after reading it." Qiao Tianchang takes out a letter from his arms and hands it to Xiao Qitian.

The two brothers took the letter and looked at it at the same time. After reading it, Xiao Qitian's expression was very grim: "they are really good at writing. Fortunately, Mengyao found out this time, otherwise things would have happened."

"Well, Yao Yao also said that she had let tongbaozhai operate and monitored all parts of the country. If there was a war, someone changed his mind and started immediately." Qiao Tianchang said in a deep voice.

"Tianchang, we owe you again." Xiao Qitian looked at Qiao Tianchang and said with a smile.

Without their husband and wife, he didn't know what to do. They basically found out what happened now. If it wasn't for them, Xiao might have changed his mind completely.

"Don't say thank you if you are a brother. I don't like to hear that." How many years have they been brothers? Do they still use such affectation?

"Tianchang and we are brothers. Don't be so polite." Xiao Qifeng said on one side.

"I see, but what should we do now?"

"Yao and Yao must have worked out some measures, and there are Yufeng and fengxiao. They will be OK. Maybe they have made each other suffer a lot." Joe Tianchang said very firmly.

"You just So believe it? "

"It's natural that Yao Yao discovers these things, and will tell Lei An that I understand Lei An's character, and there is Yu Feng, who is afraid that the world will not be disordered. The other side's people must have been destroyed, and the number will not be small." Qiao Tianchang chuckles, but what he doesn't say makes Xiao Qitian speechless. He finds that he really can't keep up with Qiao Tianchang's rhythm.