Xiao Qitian looked at Qiao Tianchang's very determined look, and his expression was a little confused: "are you sure they did this?"

"Tianchang said this is really possible." Xiao Qifeng looked at Qiao Tianchang, his eyes narrowed slightly, and said thoughtfully.

According to the character of those people, it's really necessary to know that such things happen, and it's not impossible to do such things. It's not only possible to do such things, but also possible to do them more crazily, and let the other party think it's just an accident.

Originally, the other side was in the dark, and they were in the bright. Now, they are in the dark, and the other side is in the bright. They know everything about the other side, but the other side doesn't know anything. It will only be good for them, not bad.

Xiao Qitian was stunned. Looking at Xiao Qifeng, he asked in amazement, "do you think so, elder brother?"

"Well, Ryan knows such a thing and will not sit back and ignore it, especially when Tianchang is not around. It's very likely that he will do such a thing." Xiao Qifeng's analysis.

Lei'an and them have been brothers for more than ten years. What Qiao Tianchang wants to protect is what lei'an wants to protect. Lei'an will not sit back and ignore when there is something wrong at the border. In addition, those who are afraid of the chaos in the world, the other side's life, I'm afraid, is really not easy.

Xiao Qitian thinks it's like that. Lei An seems to be such a person, but Looking at Qiao Tianchang: "Tianchang, what are you calculating? You haven't heard anything about Cui Hao. "

Looking at Xiao Qitian, Qiao Tianchang said: "what are you so anxious about? Wait. Within five days, Cui Hao should be in a hurry. "


"Lao Lin has been dead for so many days, but you haven't responded to anything about the commander of the royal forest army. It seems that you didn't plan to let him sit in this seat at all. His goal is to get more benefits. If you don't even give him any sweetness, you will give him the seat he has been thinking about to others. What do you think he will do What kind of thing is it? " Joe Tianchang touched his chin and looked at them with a smile.

Xiao Qitian and his brother look at Qiao Tianchang at the same time. In one way, I know they look at him like this.

They say that Qiao Tianchang's expression is always light. Now they know that he has calculated all the things for a long time, waiting for Cui Hao to drill in. They are still worried

Xiao Qitian suddenly felt that Qiao Tianchang had learned to hide all his thoughts with Ning Mengyao.

Now the way of doing things is really similar to Ning Mengyao.

"The longer you stay with Mengyao, the more terrible I think you are. In the past, we could guess what you are thinking, but now we don't know what you are thinking or when you want to do. Now you are more terrible than you were a few years ago." Xiao Qitian looked at Qiao Tianchang and said earnestly.

Qiao Tianchang picked up his eyebrows slightly and said with a smile: "how can it be so bad?"

"It's not, but I think your enemy will be very unlucky." Xiao Qitian tut said, "there is a pervert like Mengyao, who is coming to you with such a black belly, your husband and wife, and those people..."

Just think about it, Xiao Qitian felt very tragic.

"Thank you for your compliment."

“……” Xiao Qitian looks at Qiao Tianchang speechless: "I'm not praising you."

Xiao Qifeng looked at them like this: "that means that things here will be finished soon?"

"Almost. Cui Hao can take the net in." I've been waiting for so many days, but I'm just waiting for that, right?

"Shall we go to see your daughter-in-law then?" Xiao Qifeng has not spoken yet, and the snow neon dress, which has been quietly watching, immediately asks excitedly.

She hasn't spoken since just now, so she listens to what they say about the border. After hearing what Ning Mengyao did, Xue nishang's eyes are bright, and she wants to see Ning Mengyao as soon as possible.