
"No one can leave without any damage after provoking us, no matter who it is." Qiao Tianchang looked at Wu Ziyun and said word by word.

Whether it is the desert or the separation of the Xiao family, they are doomed to lose in this war.

Wu Ziyun has known Qiao Tianchang for a long time. He has never seen him like that. Now he is like a refined zither player, talking about some simple and understandable things.

However, Wu Ziyun knows that Qiao Tianchang is the most terrible.

Xiao Qifeng smiled and nodded: "we don't look for trouble, but that doesn't mean we really can't do anything."

Xiao never wanted to dominate and unify all countries. They just wanted to make Xiao's people live better, but they didn't want to. They always wanted to provoke them, and always wanted to find trouble, which made Xiao Qifeng very dissatisfied. The reason why he came back this time with the snow and neon clothes was to help Xiao Qitian, to deal with all the things together with him, and to those colleagues The impetuous people, some deterrence, let them know that they can't provoke Xiao.

Wu Ziyun lies on the ground and watches the three people leave. All he thinks is what they said. Suddenly, he feels that those people may not have any chance to win. From their mouths, Wu Ziyun can easily guess that they actually have the trump card. As for what it is, he can't say well.

When he was alone, Wu Ziyun thought that when he just met Qiao Tianchang, they were very good to him, and sugar

Maybe what Qiao Tianchang said is right, it's that he is too persistent, and the result of taking the side of the sword is the result now.

Self mocking smile, he is still for sugar things and persistent, and sugar may not remember him for a long time.

Wu Ziyun suddenly asks himself in his heart, is it really good to make things look like this? However, it doesn't matter whether it's good or not. What's the use of regret? Time will not go back and everything will not come back.

Xiao Qifeng looked at Qiao Tianchang, who was walking in front of him. "Tianchang, what are you here to see Wu Ziyun for?"

He doesn't think Qiao Tianchang really came to talk to Wu Ziyun about this.

Qiao Tianchang's lips slightly hook: "although he said nothing, but I have confirmed, I want to know, we know things, eight or nine is inseparable from ten."

Xiao Qifeng and Xue nishang both have doubts in their eyes, while Xue nishang's eyes are confused: "what do you mean by Tianchang? Why am I a little confused? "

Are they really in the same place? Why does she think she didn't know anything just now? Did you know about Wu Ziyun's body?

Xiao Qifeng also frowned at Qiao Tianchang: "Tianchang?"

Qiao Tianchang smiled and looked at the two men: "I don't understand anything."


"No, that's right." Qiao Tianchang said, turned around and left without giving them a chance to talk.

Xue nishang blinks, blinks again, looks at Xiao Qifeng on the edge, and asks with a very innocent expression: "what does Qifeng mean? Why didn't I understand at all? "

Xiao Qifeng shook his head. "I don't quite understand."

Wu Ziyun didn't seem to say anything just now. Is that relevant?

When Xiao Qifeng was confused, Qiao Tianchang asked people around him to help him investigate what he knew.

Looking at the letter that Ning Mengyao sent to him before, the corners of his mouth are slightly hooked, and those people may not be able to support it, right?

A lot of things have been prepared in the general's office at the border, and this time they are making great preparations.

"Yao'er, do you think the other party will really come?" Muchen asked with a frown.

They have been preparing for such a long time, will someone come?

Ningmengyao smiled and nodded: "yes, not only will, but also has come."

"Well? Has it come? "

Ningmengyao nodded: "yes, if it was you who suddenly lost 30000 yuan, what would you do?"