Muchen frowned: "I'm sure I'll investigate immediately."

"Yes, and my brother-in-law still took advantage of banditry. They want to confirm whether we really don't know what happened there, and they will come after it happened. Now it's more than half a month. If their people haven't arrived, I wonder if they really think we just go to eliminate bandits and then touch them Yes, if so, then I don't think they are qualified to be our opponents It's not that Ning Mengyao is too proud, but it is.

Yufeng smiled and nodded: "xiaoyao'er is right. If it is true, I will reassess those people."

Mei Ruolin looks at Yu Feng and Ning Mengyao and shakes her head helplessly: "you two are really......"

Ningmengyao and Yufeng look at each other and see the same expression in each other's eyes.

"Yao'er, what's your bad idea with brother Yufeng?" Situ Xuan looked at them suspiciously.

Ning Mengyao looked at situ Xuan innocently: "we didn't do anything."

"That is, what can we do as good people?" Yufeng also spread out his hands and looked at situ Xuan innocently.

Situ Xuan looked at Ning Mengyao and Yu Feng angrily: "I don't believe what you said."

"Xuanxuan, how can you not believe us Ning Mengyao opened her eyes wide and couldn't believe the smell.

“……” Situ Xuan looked at the two actors who were so good. She gave them a slight twitch at the corners of her mouth and looked at them silently: "you two are enough."

Ning Mengyao couldn't help laughing: "in fact, my brother-in-law and I are telling you the truth. We really don't plan to do anything."

Although she said that, situ Xuan looked at Ning Mengyao with a very disbelieving expression: "I don't believe it."

"I don't believe it either." Mei Ruolin and Muchen also shake their heads.

Ningmengyao looked at Yufeng, full of doubts: "brother in law they do not believe us."

"Well, we didn't do anything."

The three people on the side saw Ning Mengyao's appearance of juggling and couldn't help but turn a big white eye and said with disgust: "just what you said? We don't believe it. "


"Now, what are you two going to do?" Meiruolin looked at the two impatiently. Is it really good to be so appetizing?

Yufeng saw that they were all angry, so he laughed: "in fact, we didn't do anything, just let those people accidentally involved in the human life lawsuit."

"It's all human life, you just pay it back?"

"People are good, just acting. There are three of them. Now they are all in jail." Ning Mengyao said with a smile.

There is a green frost in it. It's not impossible to have a fake death medicine or something.

“……” Mei Ruolin and her three looked at Ning Mengyao and her two with a very contemptuous look: "that's what you said and didn't do anything?"

Ning Mengyao nodded firmly: "we didn't do anything."

They just made a little bit of a move. Who knows that those people got hooked and followed their script? Can they be blamed? Of course not. They all asked for it by themselves. What does it have to do with her and Yufeng?

Mei Ruolin sighed, looked at Ning Mengyao with a very strange look, then shook her head and said, "ah, suddenly, I feel very sorry for that man. It's really unlucky."

"Yes, but Yao'er, what are you going to do when you lock people down?" Mei Ruolin can't keep up with the rhythm of Ning Mengyao and Yufeng.

If you really want to detain people, you can find any reason, but she has used a human life lawsuit, which shows that they don't want to let these people out at all.

"Why? Of course, it's to get those people back. " Ning Mengyao said naturally.

Mei Ruolin and Ning Mengyao frown: "are you sure they will come?"

"They are sure to come."