Mei Ruolin took a look at Ning Mengyao, with obvious doubts in her eyes: "Why are you so sure?"

"I'm so sure there's my reason. Sister Mei's people won't give up if they don't find out what's wrong with us." If they don't find out, there may be a knife hanging behind them at any time. They dare not gamble on it.

Yufeng nodded: "xiaoyao'er is right. They have to find out the truth and falsehood of our side. So if they come here, their identity will only be higher, not lower."

Muchen they all look at Ning Mengyao and her with a very strange sight: "what do you think?"

"I don't think about it. We just want things to move faster." Yu Feng said with a smile.

"Are you sure you won't do this before the war?" Muchen looked at them and said helplessly.

Do they know what the consequences are?

"If they dare to do so, they must have already calculated it, otherwise they will not do such a thing." Meiruolin knows these two people around her. Of course, they are in a normal state. If they are in a non-human state, then she has no way.

"Is Xiaoyao waiting now?"

"That's natural. Get ready in the morning. We'll have a profitable business soon." Ning Mengyao smiled and looked at the Muchen beside him and said thoughtfully.

The action in Muchen's hand is stiff. He really doesn't want to talk to Ning Mengyao, a non-human.

Why has everything been calculated well by her? Can we speak well?

The news that several people were arrested soon spread back. After knowing the reason for their arrest, those people were almost not angry.

"How could it be? They are not so rash people, will they be made by Ning Mengyao? " The man on the side asked with some uncertainty.

"I don't think so. Although they were arrested, there was news back before. The general's office is now preparing for marriage. Not only that, there is no movement in the army, as if the previous incident was really an accident." Another shook his head and retorted.

When people were quarreling, a cold voice sounded: "Ning Mengyao......"

"Young master?"

"She is a very strong person." He has been here for a while. She has heard a lot about ningmengyao. This woman is a legendary woman.

Whether it's tongbaozhai or the soldiers and people at the border, their respect for her is no less than Qiao Tianchang. Ningmengyao's prestige, even if it's not Qiao Tianchang, is also as high. If she really wants to do something, I'm afraid no one will stop her?

And there was an elusive wind around her.

"What shall we do now, young master? Is that all I have to do? " The man beside looked at the boy and asked.

The young man slightly hooked his lips and smiled: "forget it? No, I'll come by myself. "

He wants to see if Ning Mengyao is really so powerful. If he can, he also wants to see what kind of person the other emperor star is. In fact, he has no idea about the world, but it's too boring. He wants to find something to do.

However, all that happened now has aroused the fighting spirit in his heart. He would like to see whether he is better than himself or the young man named Xiao Mu.

As a member of the Xiao family, Xiao Zitian wants to see what's different between him and Xiao Mu. He also wants to see whether he is more powerful or Xiao Mu is more powerful.

"What? Young master, are you going to go there? That's not good. " The following people would not like to directly contradict.

Xiao Zitian looked at them and said, "are you ordering me?"

"I dare not."

"Since I don't dare to shut up, it's not up to you to intervene in my decision." Xiao Zitian glanced at all the people and said coldly.

A middle-aged man on the side came out and looked at Xiao Zitian. His eyes narrowed slightly: "young master, please take the whole situation into consideration."

Xiao Zitian began to smile. His smile was very gentle, but those people unconsciously stepped back. Such a young master could not provoke him.