Xiao Zitian came to the man step by step. Although he was not as tall as the middle-aged man, he was definitely stronger than him.

"Why are you ordering me?" Xiao Zi looks at the people in front of him coldly.

"Xiao is afraid."

Xiao Zitian glanced at Xiao very ironically: "dare not? What are you afraid of? In this period of time, I don't want to investigate how many things I've done without telling me, but you'd better know what you are, and don't work too far away. "


"I've made up my mind about it. I don't want to hear more from you." What else did Xiao want to say? He was directly interrupted by someone. That made the people on the side shrink their necks. They couldn't stir them up, or don't interrupt. They didn't know how to die when they got it.

Looking at Xiao Zitian who turned to leave, Xiao said suddenly, "since the young master doesn't listen to Xiao, I'll stay here for a while. Come."

Xiao Zi didn't stop looking for her feet. She went to the chair and sat down. Looking at the dark and cold Xiao, she said, "this is to put me under house arrest?"

"It's not house arrest. It's just to let the young master figure out what to do and what not to do." Said Xiao Zhenyi in an honest speech.

Xiao Zitian held his chin in one hand and looked at Xiao very smilingly: "what should I do? What should not be done? This is a good saying. I think you should think about what you should do and what you should not do as a servant. "

The people on the edge subconsciously looked at Xiao Zixun's past, and Xiao Zixun's face had always been with a indifferent smile, which made them feel a little creepy.

Xiao had an unknown premonition in his heart, because the person he called hasn't come yet.

"Wonder why those people didn't come? Do you really think I will stay here and do nothing? " Xiao Zitian smiled at Xiao very much.

Do they really think that during this period of time he came here only for decoration?

"What do you want to do?" As soon as Xiao's face changed, the young master's means were very clear. Now, he is worried.

"What to do? There are no more of you here. All of you will not continue to swallow as you think. " Xiao Zitian said with a smile.

These people want to control her? It depends on whether she wants to be controlled.

"What did you do?"

has the final say that I am staying here, this game is not what you say, but has the final say. He didn't have the ambition of the Xiao family. He just found out something very interesting. He wanted to see what benefits he could get in ningmengyao's hands. It was more interesting than what subverted the state of Xiao.

"The Lord won't let you do that," said Xiao

"It's impossible for him to say no." Xiao Zitian said with a smile.

Isn't the master Xiao said his father? But what about that? No one can stop what he wants to do, including his so-called father.

Xiao very looked at Xiao Zitian like that. He had a very bad premonition in his heart. He was real this time.

"Young master, you..."

"Needless to say, because no matter what you say, it won't change the fact that I have to do it myself." Xiao Zitian got up from the chair and walked out.

After the people left, they immediately burst the pot. At this time, their young master rebelled, which is not good for them.

"What can I do? Young master is so headstrong. " Said the man in a hurry.

It's true that Xiao Zitian is very headstrong. He does what he wants to do, doesn't care about other people's ideas, doesn't care about the interests of the family, and doesn't seem to care about anything.

At least they've never seen it. Xiao Zitian is very persistent about one thing, but this time it's the first time that they have a sense of crisis.

Xiao is dead looking at the direction of the door: "no matter what, we can't let him break our plan."

After so many years of planning, how could they let Xiao Zixun simply destroy it?