"But you are very clear about the young master's character. If he says that, it means that he really decides to do such a thing. As long as the young master decides something, we can't stop it any more. Don't forget the cloud hunting horse in the young master's hand." Seeing what Xiao looked like, someone began to frown.

The cloud hunting cavalry is the person that Xiao Zi seeks, and he has trained himself. Except for him, no one can command all the people in the cloud hunting cavalry.

Cloud hunting cavalry is a small team of 100 people, but these 100 people are all good at one enemy and ten. Even they, they may not get benefits in the hands of cloud hunting cavalry.

When I came here, the master thought of asking the cloud hunter to help me, but he couldn't command me to move. At that time, Xiao Zitian only said a word, you can let them do it, that's your skill.

Up to now, they still remember how ugly the master looked at that time.

After Xiao Zitian returned to the room, he hit the desk with one hand: "cloud zero."

"What can I do for you, master?"

"Let Yunyi and them get ready. When they go to the border tomorrow, I'm more and more curious about ningmengyao and his wife." Xiao Zitian said with an interested face.

"The master doesn't care about these people?" Cloud zero really can't understand the brain circuit of his own master. It's clear that the master said he would come. How can he change his mind now.

As if seeing the meaning in cloud zero's eyes, Xiao Zitian raised his eyebrows and said, "there are always those people at home who are bothered by me and let people go to me to cry. How can they come out? It's far away from the emperor. What do we want to do with their long hands?"

“……” Cloud zero speechless looking at his master, the corners of his mouth slightly twitch, he should not expect to hear something normal from his master's mouth.

"Master, that's madam."

"So what? It's not disgraceful to learn from other people's pear blossoms and drizzle when we are old. " Xiao Zixun was dissatisfied with them.

"Lord, what do you think is the reason why their people were arrested?"

"Ning Mengyao's information network can be said to have networked this continent, especially in places like the border. As the general's wife, especially before Qiao Tianchang was at the border, she would help Qiao Tianchang to guard the border. She would not know if someone with bad intentions went in?" Xiao Zitian said with a sarcastic smile.

He would be surprised if the people they sent were not caught.

"That master means that the loss of 30000 people may not be an accident?" Cloud zero looked at Xiao Zitian and asked.

"What does it have to do with me? How can I know? " Xiao Zitian's stall looks like I don't know.

However, in this way, he made yunzero speechless again.

"Now get down and get ready." Xiao Zitian waved and finally let go of cloud zero.

After cloud zero left, Xiao Zi's mouth has been smiling with fun, gangster? Get married? Ha ha, I have to say that they play chess very well.

He thought that even if those people were stupid, they should be able to think a little bit, but unfortunately, they wasted his time.

The next day, Xiao Zixun took only a few people and left. After a long time, they found out.

There was a haze in Xiao's eyes, and his face was very bad: "Damn it, he dare."

Xiao Zitian's going out is like playing. He doesn't hurry up and plays while walking.

Cloud one looks at cloud Zero: "master son this is to do what?"

"We can't guess the master's mind." Yunzero shook his head, saying he didn't know what he was going to do.

Xiao Zitian looked at them and said, "if you want to ask me anything, please don't look at me like this."

"Lord, we are just curious. What do you want to do?" For their master, they really can't guess at all. He often doesn't play cards according to common sense, and what he does makes people a little angry.

Xiao Zitian looked at cloud zero and one eye: "do you want to know?"

"A little."

"I don't mean anything else, but I'm just trying."