Xiao Zitian is really testing. He wants to see if his identity will be found as soon as he enters the city. If they are found, it proves that they are really powerful. If they are not found, it means that their intelligence system is just like that and has no value for playing.

Cloud zero feebly stroked his forehead: "master, are you going to play again?"

"Sure enough, you know your master and I, of course, want to play, or what do you think I am doing?" Xiao Zitian said with a smile.

“……” Cloud zero looked at Xiao Zi for a moment, then turned to look at cloud one: "we really can't expect the master to say anything People talk. "

"What did you say just now? I didn't hear you clearly. " Xiao Zitian looked at cloud zero with a smile, and his expression was a little frightening.

"Master, you heard me wrong. I didn't say anything." Cloud zero this is to say a lie with your eyes open.

It took five or six days for the master and the servant to get to the border.

Standing at the gate of the city, Xiao Zitian looked at it with his head askew, then smiled and walked in with people.

I didn't find anything when I went to the city, but when I came to Xiaozi, I found a different place.

There was no such feeling outside the city. When I came to the city, I felt a clear sense of oppression, but there were no watchers around.

"What do you think?"

"The people in this place are very strong. Didn't you find out? Even the ordinary people have some martial arts background, although it can be ignored for us. " Cloud zero was silent for a while, then said.

One, ten, one hundred people will have some Kung Fu. It's not terrible. What's terrible is that all of them will.

Xiao Zi nodded, "yes, and look at the children." Xiao Zitian pointed to several children playing in the corner.

Cloud zero and they looked at the past in the direction of Xiao Zi's search. Those children were just playing, but they didn't think it was a simple play after watching for a long time. They were using tactics, that is to say, young children were learning those strategies. If that's the case, how many hiding dragon and crouching tiger people were there in the city?

"How could they be so stupid?" Xiao Zitian was very disappointed.

The message sent back was just a few trivial things, but he didn't find out at all about such a big thing. Xiao Zixun suddenly felt that those people really had nothing to recommend.

"I suddenly feel that my decision is right. Let them continue to play. I don't know how to die."

"Do you want to tell them, master?" Cloud zero asked with some uncertainty.

Xiao Zi looks for the corner of his mouth and hooks up slightly: "why should I tell them? Did they not find anyone else to blame? "

Cloud zero and cloud one look at each other, both in the eyes of each other see clearly: "I know that the master will do that."

"Well, let's go. I'm suddenly very interested in this place." Xiao Zitian said with a smile on his face.

In places like the border, the people's faces are full of happy smiles. They don't seem to worry about the coming of war at all, so they can know that the people here believe in Qiao Tianchang.

Doudou is going out today. I plan to walk around. In the street, many people know Doudou.

"How can you come out to play today, young master?"

"How are you, Madame?"

"How are you, young master? It's just finished here. Please eat it." The woman on the side wrapped two buns in oil paper and handed them to Doudou.

"Thank you, Madame." Doudou took the bun and ate it.

Xiao Zitian looked at the kid with the mask and the bun.

Doudou looks up at the person in front of him, but he is ready to leave at a glance. However, he is going to leave, and Xiao Zixun is in front of him again.

"Haven't your parents taught you that good dogs don't stand in the way?" Doudou bit the bun and said vaguely.

"Not yet."

"That's a pity. Your parents wish you were worse than a dog." Doudou looks at xiaozixun regretfully, and there are still some little sympathy in his eyes.