Xue nishang looked at Ning Mengyao like this, with her head askew. "Now I finally understand what Qi Tian said."

"What's the point?" Ning Mengyao looked at the snow neon clothes curiously and asked curiously.

"He said that when you are together, you should be ready to be abused, whether you are married or single." Snow neon clothes blink, very seriously said.

Ning Mengyao is stunned and turns to look at Qiao Tianchang. He asks blankly, "is Tianchang so terrible?"

Joe Tianchang shook his head. "No."

Xue nishang couldn't help but look at the two people and smile: "it's not that you two are terrible, but that when you two are together, it's really cruel. I don't understand why you've been together for so long, and your feelings can be so good."

But she heard that the two oldest sons are almost nine years old, and they have been married for nearly eleven years. It's amazing that the relationship can be even better.

Ningmengyao and Qiao Tianchang look at each other: "when you and Qifeng are together for a long time like us, you will know that the relationship between them has been a long time. I think it may be the real relationship."

"True feelings?"

"Well, it doesn't need to be so vigorous or so radiant. What we want is just a light mutual help. We want to have one heart and white head. Maybe this is our interpretation of feelings." Ning Mengyao said with a smile.

There is no separation between them, maybe there will be misunderstanding, there will be quarrels, but this is life, isn't it?

Xue nishang looked at Ning Mengyao and thought carefully. After a long time, she said, "I seem to understand."

Xiao Qifeng didn't speak all the time, just looked at the snow and neon clothes. He actually envied Tianchang's feelings. Now he doesn't think he will envy them anymore, because he also got his other half.

Ningmengyao smiled and didn't continue to talk. She just let her think about these things. Some things can't be understood when they say them, especially emotional things. Emotional things need to be experienced by herself to be interesting. If you let others say everything, what day will it be?

"Mengyao, I really think you know a lot now." Snow nishang nodded and said earnestly.

"No, I don't know anything."

"But you are very good." Snow neon clothes blink, said innocently.

Ningmengyao helplessly reached out and stroked her forehead: "you are also very powerful."

Xue nishang smiled awkwardly and looked at Ning Mengyao. "When do you go to the snow field, Mengyao? I'll go with you. I'll take you to play, although there's nothing interesting in those places."

Ningmengyao laughingly shook her head: "that's just because you grew up in that place, so you can say that."

"Well, maybe you're right, but Mengyao, it's dangerous on the snow mountain."

"Isn't that more interesting?" Ning Mengyao picked up her eyebrows and looked at the snow and neon clothes. She said with a smile.


Listen to two people chat, Yufeng they have a kind of feeling that they can't get in their mouths.

"Xiaoyao, do you think Xiao Zitian will appear in front of us?"

"Yes, and it will be in front of us soon." Ningmengyao's eyes were deep and he smiled.

Yu Feng frowned: "do you know again?"

"Ha ha, brother-in-law, wait and see. He is very interested in our tongbaozhai." Ning Mengyao laughs.

"Mengyao must be right to say that." Snow nishang said very seriously.

Yufeng takes a look at xuenishang and ignores her words directly. Let xuenishang say that it is completely brainwashed by xiaoyao'er, OK?

Xiao Zixun spent many days in the border area. The more he stayed, the better he felt about the place. They developed very well by Ning Mengyao. He would go outside every day, and every time he felt different. There was one thing they didn't have there, that is, the people in the place were very united. Even if there were quarrels, it was harmless Noisy, will not hurt the fundamental.