With such a city to guard, they are dreaming to take it down simply. Not only that, but also the soldiers here are not weak.

Xiao Zixun is really curious now. It's really strange how Qiao Tianchang trained people like this.

"What are you looking at, young master?" For so many days, their master didn't go anywhere. He just wandered around the city every day. Sometimes he saw a few little farts standing for a long time, which made them very curious. What's the beauty? The master should be so curious.

"What do you think of the border effect of yunzero?" Xiao Zitian didn't answer cloud zero's words, but looked at the front and asked.

"Solid as gold." Cloud zero thought also did not want to speak.

"What do you think will happen to the Xiao family in the end?" People like the Xiao family want to deal with Qiao Tianchang? He was skeptical, and there was Ning Mengyao.

Ningmengyao's bottom card, after so many years, no one knows how powerful it will become.

The last time tongbaozhai was launched was several years ago. He had that strength several years ago. He didn't think that the current tongbaozhai can't even compare with the past.

"Don't you plan to help them?" Yun zero asked curiously.

Xiao Zitian smiled sarcastically: "why should I help such a family full of moths? If we really want to help yunzero, maybe even we will join in at that time. Now I want to see what kind of monster Xiaomu can become under the cultivation of ningmengyao. Do you think it would be very interesting to be a rival with such a person? "

Cloud zero helplessly looked at his master, suddenly felt some headache: "what are you going to do, young master?"

"Soon you will know that Xiao Mu was sent to tongbaozhai by them. These days, I also heard something about Prince Xiao, which is very popular. Although this may be the reason why Qiao Tianchang helped them, I think it's very interesting." Xiao Zitian said with a smile on his face.

Cloud zero saw cloud one eye, also saw obvious helpless in the eyes of the other party, when can their master not be so willful?

"Young master, I'm afraid it's Xiao's side..."

"No matter they don't agree, they can't move in Xiao kingdom." The things that exist in Xiao kingdom are what they are afraid of. With those things, the Xiao family hasn't done anything until now. To be exact, they dare not do anything.

"But young master, will they ask you to help them by any means?" This is where cloud zero is most worried.

After all, they haven't used such a method, and it's more than once.

Xiao Zitian squinted at cloud zero in front of him and smiled coldly: "they use means, can't I use means? And I've said that I'm the one who plays chess in this game. "

Cloud zero looked at Xiao Zitian, and more and more did not understand their master.

"Young master's subordinates still don't understand that. What's the connection?"

Xiao Zitian looked at cloud zero and said, "cloud zero, I ask you to help me do things. You are absolutely the best. But if you use your brain, you can't compare with cloud one."

Cloud saw cloud zero to look at him, suddenly inexplicably said a word: "we are not at Xiao's now."

Cloud zero head seems to turn a little, but it's not in Xiao's house. What's the relationship between it and now?

Seeing cloud zero seems to have not understood, Xiao Zitian shakes his head helplessly: "cloud zero you are all good, but the IQ is really hard injury."