Yun Yi can't help laughing, but it seems to be a fact. Sometimes Yun zero's brain doesn't turn around very much.

"Hello, what do you mean, master Yun?" He was told by the owner at home. Cloud zero means that he is very upset.

Cloud one helplessly shook his head: "cloud zero I am really very curious now, how do you come here in the end."

"Do you mean it or not? Don't say pull down. " Yunzero is a little dissatisfied.

Xiao Zitian shook his head and sighed, but said, "are you two killing each other in love?"

"My sexual orientation is normal, young master." Cloud zero and cloud speak at the same time.

Xiao Zitian looked at them and said, "Yun Yi means that we are not in Xiao's house now, and those who think they can control me are not."

Being reminded by Xiao Zitian, Yun zero seems to understand his meaning.

"Young master, do you mean that you will not accept the military order outside?"

"That's almost what they mean, and they want to tell me what to do with it? Am I such a weak person? " Xiao Zitian looked at cloud zero and asked.

Cloud zero shook his head: "No."

Weak master? Don't joke, OK? If he is weak, is there anyone who is not weak that day?

"Yun zero, are you planting me in your heart again?" Xiao Zitian squinted at cloud zero and asked.


"Forget it. Let's go. Let's go around again." Xiao Zitian didn't bother to find his own bodyguard either. He played with a folding fan in his hand and started to stroll with them everyday. It's a matter of great concern to hang around with Xiao Zitian because he is very curious about everything.

"All of a sudden, I'd like to call that guy over." Xiao Zitian reached for his chin and said thoughtfully.

"Don't you, young master?"

"Why not? Isn't that guy a genius in business? Then let him see what genius is. " Xiao Zitian said.

Cloud zero and cloud are speechless at the same time. If it is true, they can be sure that the day will soon become dark.

"Young master, can you not let that freak come here?" Cloud zero very speechless smell.

"That's not good. Let Xi go back to deliver the letter and tell the guy that he will regret it if he doesn't come here." Xiao Zitian shook his head. He had decided to let that guy come over. How could he give up this plan because of their words.

"Young master, do you mean to let the wind erosion young master cooperate with the cabinet leader of tongbaozhai?" Asked Yun, frowning.

Xiao Zi nodded: "yes, although our power is strong, no one will abandon their money, money, power involved in a wide range, it is also good for us."

"But will they agree to cooperate with us? I think they also know the identity of the young master, right? In this case, they can't cooperate with the young master in order to protect Xiao Mu. " Yun Yi tells Xiao Zixun what he thinks.

"No, you look down on Ning Mengyao too much. I'm afraid she has already guessed my identity and my mind. She won't do anything to us." Xiao Zitian said with a smile.


"I want to fight with Xiao Mu. They want to see how Xiao Mu will grow and whether he can win or lose." Xiao Zitian said with a smile.

For Ning Mengyao, he may be the stepping stone for Xiao Mu to grow up. They want to make Xiao Mu grow faster, and their opponents have to be stronger, so they will not only do it to them, but also let him grow up with the permission of the conditions.

Because only in this way can he have a good look when he and Xiao Mu are against each other.

Although Xiao Mu is still a child, in his eyes, there are only opponents, no size.

Cloud a careful thought to understand the meaning of looking for Xiao Zi, but cloud zero is still a little confused.

"Aren't they afraid that Xiao Mu will lose?"

"The battle hasn't started yet. If they are afraid, the current border of Xiaoguo will not be like this. In two years, the Xiaojia family will not compete with Xiaoguo. In these two years, they will let Xiaomu grow up hard. Ningmengyao probably want to see how much Xiaomu can grow in two years."