Cloud zero mouth corner slightly twitches: "if subordinates remember correctly, Xiao Mu seems to be only eight years old."

"Yes, but what about that? The emperor's road is originally cruel. No one will see you as a child and do nothing to you. If you want to stand at the highest point, you have to fight with your own life. " Xiao Zitian looked at the front and said, "when they knew that my star was the emperor star, was that what they did to me? At the age of three, I need to live on my own. In fact, Xiao Mu is much luckier than me, and he is also very happy. "

Although he will be as tired as he is, the only difference is that there are so many people behind him to support him and support him. What about him? I can only live by myself.

"Young master..."

"I'm ok. In fact, I'm not interested in Xiao Guo at all. Instead, I'm interested in Xiao Mu. Oh, and Qiao moshang." Xiao Zi looks for the corner of his mouth to slightly hook up. Yes, he is very curious about Qiao moshang. It's like seeing what kind of person he is.

But it's a pity I didn't see anyone.

Cloud zero and cloud look at each other in the eyes of each other and see obvious heartache, but they are more firm. They must let the master live a good life and not let him become the pawn of those people.

"Where are we going now, young master?"

"Take a walk outside the city. I heard that a workshop has been built there. I'm very interested in what's inside." Xiao Zitian said with a smile.

They rode to the outskirts with Xiao Zitian. About an hour later, they finally found the place where the workshop was located.

Looking at the workshop from afar, Xiao Zi looked for the corner of his mouth to slightly hook up: "do you see the people guarding the workshop?"

"Very powerful."

"Yes, it's probably the people in tongbaozhai, isn't it? But they are willing to send such experts here as guards. " Xiao Zitian said with a smile.

Cloud zero and they nodded. There are many guards here with high martial arts. It's really condescending to be a guard here.

When the three talked about it, they saw two horses in the workshop galloping towards this place, one male and one female.

Qiao Mo Feng saw Xiao Zixun from afar. When he was near them, the horse stopped and looked at Xiao Zixun.

Both of them looked at each other, but did not speak.

Tea tea looked at Xiao Zi and looked for them. "Let's go. My parents are still waiting for us to go back."

"OK, let's go."

Looking at Qiao Mo Feng's two people riding away, cloud asked, "young master, who do you think he will be?"

"Jomo Feng." Xiao Zitian picked up his eyebrows and said.

Cloud zero and cloud look at Xiao Zitian at the same time: "how do you know, young master?"

"There is a strong smell of medicine in both of them. The news we know these days is that Qiao Tianchang and his fiancee have an adopted son who studies medicine. The two people in front of them are very consistent. Moreover, when they came out just now, the guards were very respectful to them." If it wasn't for Ning Mengyao's son, would they be so respectful? It's just a child.

They nodded: "it seems that it's right to say that, but young master, there are many capable people in this general's mansion."

"A lot indeed." This is just some of them. I'm afraid the real expert is still in tongbaozhai.

Yunyi suddenly thinks that Xiao Zixun's decision is right. After knowing the situation of the border one by one, they are more and more pessimistic towards the Xiao family. There is no way for the Xiao family to compare with tongbaozhai, and so are the people under Qiao Tianchang.

"We're back." Xiao Zitian rode away.

Now that you have what you want, there is no need to stay.

Tea and tea are riding beside Qiao mofeng: "who is that man?"

"Xiao Zitian."

"He? What is he doing here? "

"It's said by his mother that he really intends to cooperate with tongbaozhai. Maybe we can make a lot of money." Jomo Feng said with a smile.

Of course, she knows. But they are much better. How much money do they have?

"Although we have a lot of money, we don't have enough money."