Ning Mengyao looks at the natural appearance of Xue nishang. Isn't that what she said? It doesn't seem to have much to do with her baby.

"That's not what I mean by nishang." Ning Mengyao said helplessly.

"I know. It doesn't matter if I just send them something." The snow neon dress doesn't care a bit to say.

When she married Xiao Qifeng, she received a lot of treasure, and her father and mother gave him a lot. She wanted to give her collection to others for the first time. It was impossible to know what her father and mother wanted from her before.

Xiao Qifeng reached out his hand and knocked on Xue nishang: "if my father-in-law and mother-in-law knew this, they would definitely say that you turned your elbow out, and they would like you not to give it, which is good. Now they even take the initiative to take out the things themselves."

Xue nishang looked at Xiao Qifeng innocently: "turn your elbow inside to show me."


Ning Mengyao looked at them like this, and couldn't help laughing: "there's really no need for nishang."

"I didn't give it to you, Qifeng. Let's go. Go back quickly. Maybe you can attend the wedding after you get something." The snow neon clothes said to drag the wind and fire of Xiao Qifeng to run.

Ning Mengyao looks at this scene stupidly, turns to look at Qiao Tianchang and they: "what's the matter?"

"It's OK. She'll take it. Then you can give her some more things." I don't mind Joe Tianchang at all.

Ningmengyao thought for a moment that it seemed to be the same, but she didn't continue to care about the development of this matter. She just looked at the two people and said, "I like to serve green bamboo and LeLe to prepare for you. What do you need to discuss? The other is..."

Ning Mengyao has made it clear to Qiao mofeng that the wedding banquet needs to be prepared by himself, but they can't all get involved.

Joe mofeng listened carefully, and the Yufeng and Qiao Tianchang also spoke from time to time.

They get along in such a way that Hatu and his brothers are very satisfied, which shows that they are very satisfied with his daughter.

After the marriage period of Ziling and qiaomofeng was burst out, those of Xiao family believed that the accident of 30000 people was just an accident, not a deliberate one.

When Xiao Zitian knew the news, he smiled sarcastically, his eyes narrowed slightly, and said with a smile like, "they really have a big heart. They believe such things."

"But Joe mofeng's wedding is real." They said.

"Of course I know it's true. No wonder they can't deal with the group of Ning Mengyao. How can they compare with the group of Ning Mengyao? It's beyond our capacity. " Xiao Zitian smiled coldly. His eyes were full of satire.

Cloud one looks at Xiao Zitian and shakes his head and says: "I don't know what kind of expression those people will have after knowing it? Are you going to be pissed off? "

"They have nothing to do with us. All we have to do now is go to the theatre." Xiao Zitian said leisurely.

Before Xiao Mu comes back, he doesn't plan to start, but he doesn't know whether people will come back when Qiao mofeng gets married. If he comes back, maybe he can see each other.

Looking at the look of Xiao Zixun, cloud one and two look at each other. I'm afraid those people in the Xiao family will hate the master to death.

I know everything, but I don't want to say anything. It's just looking for trouble.

It's not right to say that. I'm not looking for trouble. I'm squatting on the wall and watching a good play. I've seen too many things like this, but I'm going to get scratched. That's not a good thing.

"Young master, I think those people will hate you." Said cloud with a smile.

However, Xiao Zitian shrugged: "I don't have any interest in their reaction now. I might as well play here at this time." It's good to fight with experts.

Now he is also a little strange. Since Ning Mengyao and others have guessed his existence, they still don't do it. It's more like they haven't seen him at all. This feeling makes Xiao Zitian a little uncomfortable.