"What are you thinking, young master?" Seeing Xiao Zitian looking at the direction of the general's mansion with a very tangled expression, cloud zero is strange.

"I was thinking, Ning Mengyao guessed my mind thoroughly, but why should they let me go like this? Can't they really be so confident?" Xiao Zi asked strangely.

As soon as cloud one is looked for by Xiao Zi that one say also slightly wrinkly eyebrow: "young master is there deceit in the middle?"

Xiao Zitian shook his head: "no, if they really want to do something, they won't wait until now. We are in other people's territory now. They acquiesced to us for being so reckless."

Ningmengyao and their dare to do so, they will not worry about what they will do.

"Then they are really confident enough." Said cloud, frowning.

Xiao Zitian smiled meaningfully. Aren't they careful enough? Otherwise, how could such a move be made?

"They have enough confidence. Yes, more importantly, I'm afraid they have already given my information to the research." Xiao Zitian looked at the people beside him and said in a deep voice.

Yun Yi's face changed: "it's the identity of the young master..."

"If tongbaozhai can't even do this, I'll only wonder if they've lost their reputation." Xiao Zitian said sarcastically.

Cloud one and cloud zero look at Xiao Zitian with a very strange eyes: "what do you want to do, master?"

The longer they stay here, the more they can't see what Xiao Zitian is thinking.

He could have guessed more or less before, but now he just has two black eyes and doesn't know anything.

"What not to do, how to do it, how to do it. If the people of the Xiao family come to the door, you should not refuse. If you refuse too early, it will be meaningless." Xiao Zitian played with his fingers and said with a smile.

Cloud one looked at Xiao Zi to look for one eye, then very depressed say: "young master you can not this expression."

"Look at Xiao's side. Don't let them disturb my interest in playing games. Understand?" Xiao Zitian didn't want to find the fun hard to find, so he was destroyed by those people of the Xiao family.

Cloud a corner of the mouth slightly twitches, very helpless say: "young master you all said so, what can I say?"

Xiao Zitian shook his head decisively: "of course not."

"You don't worry about the Xiao family's strategy, young master? After all, that place... "

Xiao Zitian couldn't help laughing: "it's not enough for them to set up tongbaozhai, do you think?"


"Nothing, but as soon as Yunyi remembers one thing, tongbaozhai is not as simple as you can see. Don't look down on them. Look down on their results. We may not be able to bear it. You may understand?" The smile on Xiao Zitian's face converged and he said with a frown.

Cloud one was silent for a while, then nodded: "young master subordinates know."

"Just know, let the wind erosion come as soon as possible. After I come to him, we will have a very good time." Xiao Zitian said happily.

Looking at Xiao Zitian like this, they didn't know whether to mourn for Ning Mengyao or for wind erosion, so they were sold by the young master.

"You two don't have to look at me like this. Even if you are given a few more years, you will not practice to this extent." Xiao Zitian looked at them and said jokingly.

Cloud one and cloud zero have no words to look at Xiao Zi to look for one eye, they already don't want to pay attention to this narcissistic to have no friend's young master.

Although he said that, there were still many possibilities in Xiao Zitian's mind. He didn't know what ningmengyao wanted to do. For ningmengyao's mind, he could guess half of the points. He couldn't figure out the rest of the points. This woman was not so inquisitive.