Ningmengyao, after knowing Xiao Zixun's action, slightly hooked his mouth, leaned against the soft collapse, and played with a pendant in his hand. It was carved by Doudou when he left. He should know that it was all worn by his side, and when he thought about Doudou, he took it out to have a look.

Qiao Tianchang sat beside Ning Mengyao: "the border affairs have been handled, and those places with loopholes have been mended. There won't be any problem, but Yao Yao do you forget one thing?"

Ning Mengyao blinked: "what have I forgotten?"

"Have you forgotten the Jane family?" Qiao Tianchang said with a funny look at Ning Mengyao.

When Ning Mengyao heard Qiao Tianchang's words about the Jane family, she thought of the Jane family in the dark prison.

"I really forgot, or shall we go and have a look?" From knowing that there is something in the account book, she is busy with the account book every day. When the account book is finished and she is busy with other things, she really ignores such a family directly and completely.

Qiao Tianchang has no choice but to look at Ning Mengyao: "let's go and have a look at something to eat."


When they arrived at the dark prison, several of the Jane's family had been driven mad by themselves. In fact, they were not forced by themselves. Ning Mengyao didn't do anything. They did it to some bad people every day.

Then these people 's ability to bear and not home, so it became like this, was directly scared crazy.

"Tut Tut, the people of the Jane family are not very tolerant." Ning Mengyao shook his head regretfully: "we have not done anything, so many people are crazy. If we have done anything, can't you all live?"

"Ning Mengyao, you..."

"Shhh, my temper is not good. Tianchang's temper is not good. If you say something wrong, you will make people angry. Don't blame me for not reminding you." Ning Mengyao stands out and says helplessly.

She was not wrong about this. She had no choice but to know that the man was angry.

"What do you want, Ning Mengyao?"

"I don't want to. I just think it's useless to keep you, so I'll kill you all." Ningmengyao calmly said, saying, but let the people on the edge can't help being silly.

Although there is not much expression on the face of the head of the Jane family, the heart has already turned over. What does Ning Mengyao mean? Doesn't she want to know about the Xiao family?

"Are you thinking, how can I do anything to you? After all, we still need to get some things from you, but unfortunately, even if those things don't depend on you, we also know that we really think that I can't find them? That's too much to look down on me. " Ning Mengyao looks at the master of the Jane family with a smile.

"You What do you mean? "

"What do you mean? It means that I have known the secret in your heart for a long time, and we have destroyed an army of 30000 people in the Xiao family, who thought it was an accident. " When Ning Mengyao spoke, she always looked at the master of the Jane family, and seemed very interested in his expression.

As soon as the head of the Jane family changed his face, he couldn't believe looking at Ning Mengyao. Even the people beside him, his face changed completely.

Ning Mengyao glanced at the owner of the Jane's family and said, "I'd like to thank you. If you didn't remind me, I wouldn't have discovered these things, let alone investigated those account books."

"You You... Puff. " They heard everything before the master of the Jane family didn't understand it. They heard everything.

Seeing that the head of the Jane family was spitting blood like this, Ning Mengyao blinked, but he was helpless: "this is the anti Strike ability? It's not going to work. "

Qiao Tianchang's mouth slightly twitches, but reaches out and pinches Ning Mengyao's hand: "Yaoyao, do you forget what we are doing?"

Ning Mengyao shakes her head quickly: "I haven't forgotten."

"If I were you, I wouldn't help them to hide it. You know, even if you carry it like this, it's not good for you. Do you think I'm right?" Ning Mengyao smiled at the master of the Jane family and said playfully.