Xiao Zitian walked forward a little and looked at Ning Mengyao: "all of them, but I'm more curious about you."

"Oh? Is that right? "

"Boy, do you think the general's office will let you in so simply?" Yu Feng looks at Xiao Zi and says to have fun.

Xiao Zitian shook his head: "I never thought about it that much. When I came in, I had been found out. No, maybe earlier, I could come in with your acquiescence."

"I have some experience, but what kind of person do you think xiaoyao'er is after you come to see her?" Yufeng is curious about this.

"As wind erosion said, she is a very gentle person." When he saw ningmengyao for the first time, he thought ningmengyao was a very gentle person.

“……” Yu Feng looked at Xiao Zitian without words, and then turned to Ning Mengyao and said, "Xiaoyao, you are really deceiving."

"Is brother-in-law envious?" Ningmengyao turns her head and smiles at Yufeng.

"No, I don't understand why they think you're very gentle when they first see you." Although ningmengyao is really gentle, but her real appearance is really scary, OK?

"Xiao Zi is looking for you to appear in our general's mansion so blatantly. Aren't you afraid of what we do to you?" Ning Mengyao asked curiously.

Xiao Zitian shook his head: "no, if you really want to do something to me, you will have already started when I enter the border city, and you will not let me enter the general's house in such a safe way."

Ning Mengyao smiled: "I like to talk to smart people."

"I like it, too."

Ning Mengyao was stunned, and then laughed: "it's so good."

Looking at Ning Mengyao, Xiao Zitian suddenly didn't know how to open his mouth. He looked at Ning Mengyao for a long time before he opened his mouth: "you are really so confident, not afraid of what I do to Xiao Mu?"

"There are always thorns on the road of growth. We will not interfere with Xiao Mu's growth. He will be right with you sooner or later no matter what." Ning Mengyao smiled at Xiao Zitian and said.

"It's really good that he has a family like you, much happier than me. Sometimes I'm really jealous."

"It's no use being jealous, because it's not envy." Ning Mengyao laughs.

"Maybe you're right. With your family, I'm really looking forward to how far he will grow up in the end." Xiao Zitian looked at Ning Mengyao and said seriously.

Ningmengyao looked at Xiaozi for a while and then said, "actually, I'm also curious. In two years, what kind of situation can mu'er grow up to?"

Xiao Zitian smiled and then looked at Ning Mengyao: "I have seen what I should see. Goodbye."

"No delivery."

Wind erosion came out and stood beside Xiao Zixun: "let me go with you. I'll see you in three days."


Watching the two people leave, the smile on Ning Mengyao's face gradually disappears and is replaced by playfulness.

"Xiaoyao, what are you thinking?"

"I'm suddenly very interested in mu'er's duel with him. Brother-in-law, what do you think will happen in the end?" Ning Mengyao looks at Yu Feng and asks.

"I don't know, but I don't think Muer will let us down." Yu Feng shrugged and said casually.

"You are right, but brother-in-law, Xiao Zixun is not a simple child." Ning Mengyao chuckled and looked at the direction of their departure. "Mu'er wants to win him, I'm afraid it will take some time."

Yu Feng didn't speak. She stood beside Ning Mengyao and looked forward, with a faint smile on her lips.

Wind erosion followed Xiao Zitian back to his place of residence. He looked at Xiao Zitian and said, "look for you today..."

"I'm fine. I'll meet sooner or later, but I'm looking forward to meeting in three months." Xiao Zitian shook his head casually and said.

"In three months?"

"Well, Joe mofeng is married. Xiao Mu and they will definitely come back. I want to see what kind of people they devote themselves to training, and Joe Mofang." Xiao Zi nodded and said quietly.

"Don't you really care about anything?" Wind erosion some uncertain looking at Xiao Zitian said.

"I don't care, don't you know?"