Wind erosion didn't take a good look at Xiao Zitian: "I'm serious with you. And I'm talking about the people of the Xiao family. Their ambition will make you so indulgent, and you still have that identity."

"It's not up to them." Xiao Zi groaned for coldness, his eyes gradually turned cold.

If they really want to use means, then he doesn't mind playing with them. He has a very good impression on Ning Mengyao and they need to do something. That's natural, isn't it?

And he is very happy to be loyal to the people of the Xiao family.

"Look, to be honest, I really don't understand what the people in your family want to do. They can't move Xiaoguo at all. Ningmengyao and their people are not simple, especially ningmengyao, who is the royal family of Xiaoguo. I don't think she doesn't have the two things left in her hands, and the mysterious team. There are so many cards in her hands. I don't What do you think they can do? " It's not that the wind erosion looks down on those people of the Xiao family, but what he said is the fact. In their eyes, those people of the Xiao family are really out of line.

"Some people are just like this. When they don't meet people who are more powerful than them, they always think how great they are and how powerful they are. Only after they have been taught some lessons, can they know what it means to be extraterrestrial and extraterrestrial." Xiao Zitian stroked the clothes and said casually.

Wind erosion took a look at Xiao Zitian and shrugged: "I can't tell you, but what do you think after you meet those people today?"


"Do you think so?"

"Well, Ning Mengyao won't say it. I can't see the people around her. There are not many people who can make me see through." Xiao Zitian frowned and said.

"Wind erosion nodded:" I also feel that they are really powerful, I really don't know how they do it

Xiao Zi nodded: "not only Ning Mengyao, but Qiao Tianchang is very powerful. They can't easily provoke."

For Xiao Zitian, these two people are like a wasp's nest. They will explode when they poke. He really doesn't know what will happen then.

"Do you think Xiao's family stabbed the hornet's nest this time?"

"Well, they have been killed by 30000 people. Although there were not many of these 30000 people in the war, there were many of them for the Xiao family, because they didn't have so many 30000 people killed by Ning Mengyao. What's funny is that they didn't even know what they were doing, and they thought it was an accident." Xiao Zitian said sarcastically.

Wind erosion mouth slightly twitches: "how stupid are they to think so?"

Xiao Zitian sneered: "there are people like Xiao who lead the team. Where can the rest of them be smart?"

Wind erosion stunned, then smiled, and the expression on his face was playful: "you're right, Xiao Shi is too proud of himself, he certainly won't think that there is any gap between them and others, even if the other side is ningmengyao couple."

Xiao Zitian nodded: "you're right, so they will lose miserably. Ning Mengyao already knows everything. If it's not for training Xiao Mu, they want to put people all in one pot, which is not impossible."

Wind erosion looked at Xiao Zi for a look: "I don't think they can get any benefits, even if it's Ning Mengyao they want to exercise Xiao Mu."

"What do you say?" Xiao Zitian looked at the wind erosion and frowned.

"They don't let a person jump too much in front of themselves." Wind erosion looked at Xiao Zitian and said.

"That's true, but I'm curious about what they will do." Xiao Zixun suddenly had some interest in it.

"Wait, I have a feeling that we must have a good show."