Xiao Zitian looked at the wind erosion and didn't speak, but the smile on his face didn't fall all the time. Seeing him like this, the wind erosion said without any words: "if you have any words, you can say, don't look at me with such eyes."

"It's OK. I suddenly feel like I'm lucky to have a friend like you." Xiao Zitian suddenly said.

Wind erosion looked at Xiao Zitian with a monster like look: "are you sick? All of a sudden? "

It's good that this guy doesn't bully him. When did he say that? This kind of him really makes people not adapt.

Xiao Zitian paused a little, then looked at the wind erosion: "it seems that it can't be too good for you."

"That's you, and what's the relationship between us? These words, we know in our hearts, do not have to say. " Wind erosion suddenly looked at Xiao Zixun very seriously and said.

Xiao Zitian chuckled, "maybe you're right."

In the general's mansion, Yu Feng glanced at Ning Mengyao and said, "little Yao, you don't worry if people come to you by calculation?"

"Well? What are you worried about? " Asked Ning Mengyao, who was in short of interest.

“……” Yu Feng looks at Ning Mengyao without words. Is this girl listening to him?

Ningmengyao saw Yufeng for a long time and didn't speak. Finally, she came back to her senses and looked up at Yufeng. "What do you want to say, brother-in-law?"

Yu Feng takes a look at Ning Mengyao and says, "do you dare to let Xiao Zitian in?"

"What's wrong? I'm afraid that Tianchang will soon succeed. At that time, the Xiao family will not be able to jump for at least half a year. In addition to the desire to compete with mu'er, Xiao Zitian's eyes are not interested in other things. " Ning Mengyao said, holding her chin in one hand.

Yu Feng is stupefied for a while, then looks at Ning Mengyao: "what has Tianchang done?"

"In fact, I didn't do anything about it. I asked people to choose a place of the Xiao family, which is very important to the Xiao family. Choosing that place is like breaking an arm to them." Ning Mengyao said with a smile.

Yu Feng looks at Ning Mengyao in silence: "when did Tian Chang start? Why don't we know? "

"When I came back, I began to discuss with lei'an and they. Nanyu has been there all the time, and he has almost explored things there. Now it's the right time, and tomorrow Tianchang will go too." Ning Mengyao said with a smile.

"When I go and what do you want to do, can you say in advance? We can't help scaring. " Yu Feng said gloomily.

"When did my brother-in-law become so timid? I saw it for the first time. " Ningmengyao looked at Yufeng and said.

"Come on, Xiaoyao. I don't believe that you are not surprised when Tianchang decides." Said Yu Feng, not very angry.

Ningmengyao shrugged and said quietly, "what's surprising about something you already know?"


"When Tianchang was there, he put more energy on that place. He went to the capital several times and didn't relax the surveillance on that place. Do you think now that he is back, there will be no action?" Ning Mengyao said at leisure.

Yu Feng looked at Ning Mengyao with tears and smiles: "am I worried about it? But it's OK for Tianchang to do this? "

"Nothing will happen. Even if the Xiao family know that Tianchang is back, they will think that Tianchang will be busy with feng'er's marriage." Ning Mengyao shook her head and said.

Yu Feng was slightly shocked, then nodded clearly: "you're right, I forget feng'er's marriage."

Now Joe mofeng's marriage is a shield for them. I'm afraid those of the Xiao family will really think so. When they react, I'm afraid that all the dust has settled.

"Tianchang is a thief now." Yu Feng sighed and said with a very depressed expression.

"Brother in law, do you mean that I have broken Tianchang?" Ningmengyao's eyes narrowed slightly at Yufeng and asked coolly.

Yufeng smiled and shook his head: "how could my little Yao'er do such a thing?"