Ningmengyao looks at Yufeng and says, "brother in law, what you said is too false."

Yu Feng did not have a good look at Ning Mengyao: "still dislike you?"

"Well, I hate it." Ning Mengyao nodded naturally.

"You, Xiaoyao, do you really want to cooperate with wind erosion?" Although they had already agreed before, they also knew ningmengyao's plan very well, but Yufeng could not help asking.

Ning Mengyao nodded casually: "well, what's wrong with that?"

Yu Feng shakes his head: "there is nothing wrong with this, but xiaoyao'er, are you sure it's not raising tigers for trouble?"

Ning Mengyao looked at Yu Feng with a funny look: "you see those two children today, brother-in-law. What do you think of them? Will I raise the tiger? "

Yufeng is silent and doesn't speak. Xiaoyao'er is right. He saw the two children today. They are very good to tell the truth. He likes them very much.

"That's how you feel?"

"Why not?" Ning Mengyao asked.

Yufeng couldn't help laughing: "xiaoyao'er, you are still like this, and your employees are still amazing."

Ning Mengyao looks at Yu Feng with a smile: "what does brother-in-law want to say?"

"Since you took over tongbaozhai, I have no doubt about the use of people. I'm really curious about who you are doing this. There is no betrayal among those you like. Everyone is loyal to you and tongbaozhai." Yufeng has always been very curious about this. He really wondered how ningmengyao did it.

Even he can't do it, but Ning Mengyao does it, which makes him really feel inferior.

Ningmengyao smiled at Yufeng and smiled: "there are enough benefits, enough warmth, enough power."

Yufeng is stunned, and then she responds to what Ning Mengyao said. She has the right to have money, and she can get the warmth she wants. Who else will do the betrayal?

"I feel inferior to myself."

"My brother-in-law is actually the same as both of us, isn't he?"

Yufeng's eyes flickered slightly, and suddenly he smiled: "Xiaoyao, I really like you more and more."

"Ha ha, don't worry, brother-in-law, I won't like you."

"You're serious. Let's go out. I heard something wrong with Ziling?"

"Well, Ziling has been pregnant for nearly four months now, and Qingshuang found that the child in their stomach is not only OK, but also likes poison very much." Ning Mengyao said with a frown.

"What does it mean to like poison?" Asked Yu Feng, frowning.

"That is to say, the more poison purple spirit has, the healthier the child will be. This child was born either as a poison man or as a medicine man." Ningmengyao also listened to Qingshuang, but she was really very strange. Why did the child like poison so much.

Yufeng's eyelids fluttered: "I have a premonition that these children will be in the future."

"Shouldn't it be taken for granted?" Ning Mengyao raised her eyebrows and asked, isn't that what they have taught them?

"Xiaoyao, I think you are narcissistic."

"Narcissism? I am confident. Don't you agree? "

"Identify, identify, how can I not identify? OK, I'll go back first. I need to deal with some things, so I won't tell you more here." Yu Feng said casually, and then turned away.

Watching Yufeng leave, the expression on Ning Mengyao's face gradually converged. Although she said that, she was still very worried. Would the child really have any problems?

Ningmengyao went to Ziling's place after Yufeng left, and watched Ziling sit in a reclining chair to bask in the sun. Ningmengyao walked over and sat down on the side: "how do you feel? Is there anything uncomfortable? "

"No, you don't have to worry about me, Mengyao. I'm fine, really." Ziling is really not worried about what the future children will look like. She believes that their children will live well, not only in the future, but also in the future, whether they are poisonous people or medicine people, these are all her children.

Maybe from now on, she will only have such a child. She will certainly educate her children like Ning Mengyao. She doesn't expect him to be as good as Shanger's, but she also hopes that he can become an outstanding person.