Ningmengyao looks at Ziling and suddenly doesn't know what to say, but Ziling is teased by ningmengyao: "Mengyao, you don't have to worry about me, I'm really OK."

"I know. If there's something wrong, I must tell Qingshuang. Do you know?"

"I know, Mengyao, you know, I'm really glad to be here now. I get so much here that I can't believe it sometimes." She has her own family, her loving husband, and now she will soon have her own children. This was something she could not even think of, but now it happened to her one by one, which makes her feel very comfortable and also very nostalgic.

Ningmengyao looks at her like this. For a while, she really doesn't know what to say.

"Just be happy."

"Well, go ahead and do something. I'm really fine here." There are so many people around her. What can I do? She knows, but now Ning Mengyao is very busy.

Ningmengyao saw that she had just come to Ziling and started to drive her away. She was dissatisfied: "you just drove me away when I just came? How can you not see me? "

Ziling looked at ningmengyao funny: "you don't have to pretend, not at all."

Ning Mengyao smiled: "you are really right, I still have some things to do."


"It's time for me to meet the rest of Jane's family, too." Ningmengyao chuckles, his eyes twinkling with light.

“……” Ziling looks at Ning Mengyao and shows such an expression. She immediately mourns for those people. They are so pitiful that they are calculated by Ning Mengyao.

Ning Mengyao stood up and left. She had just left for a while, and Jiang Ying came back: "Mengyao just came?"

"Well, I suddenly mourned for the people of the Jane family and offended Mengyao. It's pathetic."

"Don't think so much. You just need to have a good baby. Don't worry about anything else." Jiang Ying doesn't want him to do so many things.

Ningmengyao's husband and wife's affairs, they deal with everything by themselves, no need for them to worry about.

Purple spirit speechless saw Jiang Ying one eye: "have you said so?"

"Well, don't you know the means of Mengyao? We don't have to worry about them at all. "

"Although I said that, I was still worried. Do you think they will be ok?"

"What can I do for you? I think you are pregnant, so you always like to breathe. " Jiang Ying reaches out his hand and points at Ziling's forehead. He says helplessly, "I have several brothers who will be here soon. I'll introduce them to you then."

He was just trying. Unexpectedly, he really got in touch with them. They had already arrived.


The people of the Jane family look at ningmengyao who appears in front of them again. This time, although she is the only one, they dare not look down on people at all.

"What do you want to do?" Without waiting for Ning Mengyao to speak, the head of the Jane family took the initiative and asked.

Ningmengyao looked at the head of the Jane family and said casually, "the head of the Jane family can rest assured that I am not here to find you today, and I have no interest in you."


The people on the edge understood as soon as they heard it. Ning Mengyao came to find them.

"What does Madame want to know?" The eldest uncle of the head of the Jane family, looking at Ning Mengyao, asked.

"Have fun. I like talking to people like you." Ning Mengyao chuckles.

The head of the Jane family knows what they mean. They really want to tell Ning Mengyao everything. This How can this work?

"Uncle, you..."

"The head of the family can repay the bad with the good. Sorry, we can't do it."

"In that case, come with me." Ningmengyao's face is always with a light smile, leaving with people. When she left, she saw the master of Jane's family.

Seeing this, the head of the Jane family said, "it's over, it's all over."