Xiao Shi's mind has changed a thousand times. In Qiao Tianchang's fight against the puppet, Xiao Shi has decided to escape as fast as he can.

Qiao Tianchang saw that Xiao really wanted to run, with a cold and piercing smile on his lips: "want to go? Have you asked me? "

"Poof." After being hit by Qiao Tianchang, Xiao spits out blood, but instead of stopping, he runs away faster.

Qiao Tianchang stood at the same place, looked at Xiao Shi who escaped, smiled coldly, thought that escaping would be ok? It's naive.

"How to let people go?" Feng Xiao tidied up the people around him. He saw this scene and asked with a frown.

He doesn't think Qiao Tianchang can't catch Xiao Shi. His lightness skill is abnormal. Only Ning Mengyao can match him. He can't catch people? Don't make fun of it, OK.

Qiao Tianchang looked at fengxiao: "do I look like someone who can do this kind of loss business?"

After spending a long time with his merchant's daughter-in-law, Qiao Tianchang also felt that he was going to become a profiteer.

"Tianchang, I think you have the potential to be a profiteer." Feng Xiao said in silence for a while.

"I'm not interested. I already have a business wizard in my family. I'm not needed." Qiao Tianchang said casually.

"You'll die if you don't show off?" Feng Xiao said not very angry.

"No, but life is not like death." Qiao Tianchang hit people quietly.

Feng Xiao put out his hand to cover his face: "you really don't want face."

"Thank you for your compliment."

“……” Fengxiao is completely speechless. This man really is. Is it true that he doesn't want to be shamed or not?

Qiao Tianchang didn't continue to talk to fengxiao, but looked ahead and saw that everyone had solved it. He was disappointed and said, "it seems that this place is not very important."


"Continue." Qiao Tianchang said quietly.

Feng Xiao smiled and shook his head: "come on, I'll give my life to accompany the gentleman, but are you sure it's really good to do this?"

"There's nothing wrong. It's gone. I like the former better than threatening us here." Qiao Tianchang came to Ryan and said.

It's not the first time for Feng Xiao to see Qiao Tianchang like this, but every time he sees him like this, he can't help thinking of Ning Mengyao.

When dealing with the business in the market, Ning Mengyao looks like this too. I have to say that they are very similar in some places, just like now.

Qiao Tianchang looks at the expression on the face and changes: "how is it?"

"It's not here. It can't find what we want." Ryan shook his head. "Boss, did we find the wrong place?"

"No, I'm afraid some of the things in this place have been removed." If not, how could Xiao escape so unrequited?

Ryan looked at his eldest brother with a big head. "Eldest brother, what do you mean? Transfer away? Where can they move? "

Their people have been looking at this place before, and they have never seen people come out from anywhere.

Qiao Tianchang smiled, and the smile was profound: "it's right to find no trace of them, which means that there are big fish not far from here."

Feng Xiao looks at Qiao Tianchang in amazement, then looks at Qiao Tianchang with a battered expression: "you let Xiao go just to find that place from him?"

"Mmhmm." Qiao Tianchang put his hand to his mouth and whistled, then a black hawk flew down.

"Xiaohei, take me to find Dahei." Qiao Tianchang reached out to touch Xiaohei's head and said in a low voice.

Feng Xiao is numb by Qiao Tianchang.

After Xiao Hei, a group of people found Xiao Shi very simply. Unfortunately, he actually took them to another place.

Qiao Tianchang looks at the entrance and laughs playfully: "Nanyu is yours."

"Don't worry, boss. I'll take it."

They have been together with Qingshuang for a long time. He knows something about poison, and this entrance is there.

Feng Xiao glanced at Qiao Tianchang and said, "I think I'm here for decoration."