Joe Tianchang smiled and looked at the people beside him. He was very playful and said, "you can continue to be a decoration. We don't mind."

"Are you showing off your subordinates?" Feng Xiao doesn't look at Qiao Tianchang angrily,

Qiao Tianchang looks at Feng Xiao and smiles: "how do you know? It's really smart. You guessed it. In fact, you don't have to envy it. "

Feng Xiao sighed, how could this man be so blaring?

It's hard for them to hear the conversation. Lei An takes a look at fengxiao and says sympathetically, "we are the best in my boss's eyes."

What they want, that's all behind it.

Qiao Tianchang looks at lei'an and doesn't speak. He just goes to Nanyu and frowns and asks, "how is it?"

"No problem, but I'm afraid the next road is not so easy."

"If I find people so simply, I wonder if the Xiao family has a watch." Joe said with a sneer.

Feng Xiao nodded: "well, Tianchang is right."

Nanyu also chuckled: "you don't worry about it. What else do we worry about?"

A group of people, led by Nanyu and Jialao, walked towards the cave. It was very dark in the cave. After someone hit a torch, suddenly there was a sound of wings fluttering in the cave.

"When the torch is out, you can't light it here," Nan Yu said

"What's the matter?" Qiao Tianchang asked with a frown.

"There are many bats in this cave. They are all poisonous." Said Nan Yu in a cold voice.

Light from the sound, he can hear it. As long as there is no fire, there will be nothing wrong. If there is a fire, it will bring them disaster at last.

Qiao Tianchang took a look at the people behind him, and they quickly put out the torch that had just been lit.

"These bats can't be dealt with. Wait for me, boss. Remember not to move or attack these bats here." Nanyu looked at them and said very seriously.

Qiao Tianchang graciously said that Nanyu went to one side and didn't know what to do with the drum. After a while, he came back with a faint smell of blood on his hand.

"You are?"

"Bat's blood, a little bit on the hand will be OK." Nanyu said casually.

"So simple?" Lei An looked at Nanyu in surprise and asked.

"Simple? Then try it. " Nanyu said not very well.

If it's all simple, what else is not?

"But you..."

"If these bats are killed, the bats here will attack together, won't they?" Feng Xiao looked around and said in a deep voice.

When they arrived at fengxiao, they could see things even in the dark. Looking at the bats hanging upside down in the cave, fengxiao had some hairs in its heart.

Although he is not afraid of these things, but there are so many eyes so straight at them, this feeling is not the general bad.

Nanyu nodded: "yes, I secretly got all these things. Bats can't see them. They can only rely on their feelings. If we really kill their companions, we will not get any benefits at that time, but will struggle to please them."

Qiao Tian thought about it and said seriously, "in this case, go around these things and don't provoke them."

Everyone began to walk towards the front carefully. Qiao Tianchang's eyes narrowed slightly. He didn't know what he was thinking.

"Tianchang, do you have any idea?" When Feng Xiao saw Qiao Tianchang like this, he knew what he had in mind.

Joe Tianchang nodded and shook his head: "I don't know what's going on now."


"I'll tell you later, but I think it's a little easier." Qiao Tianchang looked around and frowned.

Feng Xiao is not that kind of fool who doesn't know anything. Hearing Qiao Tianchang's saying, his eyebrows wrinkled tightly: "you mean it's too easy?"

"Well, don't you think so?" Qiao Tianchang nodded.

Nanyu stopped for a moment, looked at the cave and said, "let's quit."